Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Medvedev set to choose Ukraine

Ukrainian leadership must ultimately decide what countries should first develop a strategic and closest relationships. This was announced today by President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev at a press conference in Moscow. "Well, can not be everywhere. Or there or there. Do not sit on two chairs, you need to make some choices," - said Medvedev. He stressed that the choice of the direction of strategic cooperation is a sovereign affair of Ukraine itself. "I'm not confused at all the European integration of Ukraine. It is, after all, a sovereign country, and you choose to integrate. Do you want to - the EU, if you're out there waiting for you like - in other places. That's the only thing I want to say for sure. If Ukraine, for example, choose the European vector, then it would certainly be more difficult to find some kind of isolation within the Common Economic Space and the Customs Union, which involves Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus. because this is another integration association, "- said Dr . Medvedev. Earlier, President Viktor Yanukovych said that Ukraine's participation allows the Customs Union according to the "3 +1". He expressed confidence that it will allow Ukraine to ensure the real exchange rate on the convergence of European and Eurasian economic spaces. At the same time, Viktor Yanukovych noted that the signing of an Association Agreement with the European Union will set the stage for full integration of Ukraine into the European economic space. Ministry of Industry

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