Saturday, December 17, 2011

Create a farm will be easier

Procedure for creating a farm and obtain land for their management will be simplified. This will happen if the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine will take the bill "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on the establishment and operation of farms" N7512 on December 23, 2010, which today is under consideration in Parliament. This was reported by a lawyer of the law firm "ILF" (Inyurpolis) Anastasia Zaleskaya. Thus, the bill proposes to repeal the provision that citizens who wish to engage in farm must undergo professional selection. The lawyer said that at present such a selection there. His conduct specialized Commission, created by district or city councils. And, the commission's decision on the result of selection is one of those documents, which provides a potential farmer in the District Council for land for farming. In case the title of the bill, says A. Zaleski, the need for passage selection will disappear. And to get the site instead of the solution profile commission will provide the citizens of District Council in other documents. In particular, the degree of education received in the agricultural school or the same data, which confirm that the applicant for the allotment has experience in agriculture. Under current law, agricultural education institutions are higher and secondary specialized educational institutions that prepare professionals to work in agriculture. As far as the documents confirming the experience of working in the agricultural sector, for today, these are workbooks, certificates, permits etc., issued from the work place; help archival institutions (issued in case of liquidation of agricultural enterprises), trade union fees and some other documents. The bill, in turn, provides that the list of supporting documents and agricultural schools, in the event of standard will define the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine. This bill leaves open a number of important issues, indicating a lawyer. Thus, it is not clear whether to engage in farm management graduates of specialized secondary educational institutions, or the Agriculture Ministry will fix this right only for graduates of agricultural universities? also unknown how wide will the list of documents confirming the experience of working in agriculture. is important also that the bill does not specify how long the work in the agricultural sector is sufficient to ensure that the citizen could obtain a permit to farming activities. "Such defects can darken the joy of potential farmers from adopting regulations that, in general, is very progressive in nature, and simplifies the procedure for obtaining land for agricultural management business ", - said A. Zaleskaya.

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