Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Tikhonov seeking investment in construction

To the construction industry has reached a level of 2008, must pass a rather complicated way of investment of saturation of the economy. This was stated by Vice-Premier, Minister for Regional Development, Construction and Housing Viktor Tikhonov in the interview LIGABusinessInform. "If you speak the language of comparison, the investment for the construction industry are the oxygen, without which its full-blooded work. Reduced oxygen intake - a person begins to suffocate. The same thing is happening with the construction in case of non-investment", - said Vladimir Tikhonov. Vice Prime Minister stressed: that the construction sector reached from 2008, it is necessary to ensure the flow of investment. The official cited an example when in 2008 the volume of investment only in housing more than 35 billion USD., The bulk of which (over 20 billion USD.) Consisted of investments of the population: "We need to ensure an adequate level of investments into housing construction." According to Vladimir Tikhonov, the first significant step in this direction is already made - significantly eased access to the building investment market in the country. The mechanisms of this simplification, the official said, established by the Law "On regulation of urban development." "For the second step, we also produced good conditions: the release provided a supply of construction works from paying value added tax," - he stressed. The next step, according to Deputy Prime Minister, should be a return of confidence of private investors to property developers. "In this direction, we carried out a consistent work on the implementation of clear accountability mechanisms entities of construction activity for the provision of goods, works and services in the construction market. This includes implementing exploration, designers, experts, builders and government oversight bodies. Great Expectations in this direction pin and on the establishment and operation of self-regulatory organizations in the construction, which will absorb part of the state regulatory functions, introducing the practice of financial responsibility for the activities of their members, "- noted the official. Earlier, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Social Policy Tihipko said that in 2011 Ukraine can expect an increase in foreign investment in the construction industry, as the rules and procedures for approvals and construction permits will now be more accessible and transparent. Ministry of Industry

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