Uproschentsy fear that Parliament will not have time to adopt a new law with respect to their activities until April. Consequently, private entrepreneurs will lose their major clients. According to the Tax Code, legal entities from April will not be able to refer to the gross expenditure procurement of goods or services from private entrepreneurs uproschentsev. Assumed that the business will have more income, respectively, to pay more taxes from it. However, currently developing the bill, which should create favorable conditions for uproschentsev. However, if the document is ready, the vast majority of natural persons have to curtail operations. Oleg Vitenko, CEO of Internet company: "It's hard enough can hit the same intrenet stores, which had 5.6 major buyers. This is basically traders nishevymy goods that enter into contracts for any long-term supply. This will cause a very significant blow to the Internet industry, and throughout the industry. "
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