The Ukrainian government does not pay attention to the remarks quoted by the Venice Commission. That said, a member of the Venice Commission, Marina Stavniychuk on the air on Channel 5. "Unfortunately I must say that with all exponentialness Ukraine or the Ukrainian authorities about the need to implement the recommendation of the Venice Commission, it seems that really, in fact, today the position of the Venice Commission in many areas power is not listening" - she said. Besides, she added: "I give you an example, and judicial and legal reform, and the law on rallies, meetings and peaceful demonstrations. It seems that the recent recommendations related to the need for development and adoption of the Electoral Code, at least, to the provisions of this Code, which is in draft form, was once referred to the Venice Commission and received an approving assessment. Stavniychuk also noted: "The Commission talked about the need to base the development of new legislation. Today, it is also not observed. "Among other things, she said that the position of the Venice Commission is critical to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. So, she says, is the obvious fact that Ukraine will have some negative assessment by the PACE. Ministry of Industry
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