Friday, November 4, 2011

Kachkanarsky GOK to increase production by 10%

Kachkanarsky GOK in 2011, plans to increase output of iron ore by 10% the previous period, to 55 million tons. This was reported by Vice-President, Evraz-Holding, Head of Mining Division, Konstantin Lagutin at a press conference. "This is one of the major projects at this stage for the division of" Ore "and in the future for the Nizhny Tagil Metallurgical Plant, as Kachkanarsky Ore - 100% of its resource base", - said K. Lagutin. He recalled that at the end of 2010, the increase of iron ore mining in Kachkanarsky GOK also constituted 10% of the previous period. According to Mr. Lagutin, further modernization of the enterprise will prodlozhatsya in parallel with the development of fact-Kachkanarsky field. In this case, now Evraz Holding was determined with contractors who will work on this project. "It's pretty influential Russian company with extensive experience in designing for large enterprises. In tandem with her work will be well-known companies. We signed the necessary agreements with them," - said the representative of Eurasia. He clarified that in the near future a group of designers will come to Kachkanar to analyze geological and project documentation. "We have completed the geological survey, is now preparing the final geological report. It will be submitted to the relevant authorities to clarify the stocks that stand in the balance. The project is well underway. The first few million tons of ore we are going to get from the field before the end of 2014, - said Mr. Lagutin. Previously reported that Evraz in the next five years plans to invest in the development of the mining company Evrazruda about 8 billion rubles. The funds will be spent on rehabilitation of existing mines and factories to increase their production capacity by 25% by 2015. In addition, a significant portion of these funds will be invested in targeted programs to improve the level of labor protection, industrial and environmental safety of companies Evrazrudy. Mining Industry Group includes mining company Evraz Evrazruda, Kachkanarsky and Vysokogorsky GOKi, mine Raspadskaya (40%) and the union JUzhkuzbassugol. Evraz also owns the Nakhodka commercial sea port in the Far East. Ministry of Industry

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