Sunday, November 20, 2011

Firtash underpaid the state budget?

For the return of 12.1 billion cubic meters. m. of gas company RosUkrEnergo had to pay almost U.S. $ 1.3 billion fee. About this newspaper "The Mirror of the Week". According to the newspaper, the gas in the volume of 12.1 billion cubic meters, which Naftogaz Ukraine "has to pass (or rather - much of which has already passed), the company RosUkrEnergo, admission into the customs territory of Ukraine was decorated in the" import 40 ". This means that it is designed for Ukrainian consumers, and only on Ukrainian territory (ie, released for free circulation). At renewal of the gas in the regime of "transit" (to return RUE) had problems with customs clearance and payment of VAT, which would be refundable HAK "Naftogaz Ukraine" from the state budget. In addition, if you select "export" returned RUE gas (a customs declaration confirms that "rosukrenergovsky the gas was exported to Slovakia), the exporter was obliged to pay the duty - 35% of the customs value of the exported volume of gas. In fact, the exporter was a company RUE, and which had to pay export duty. If we take the average price of gas at 350 dollars per thousand. cu. m, it follows that the RUE in the total exports of 12.1 billion cubic meters of gas had to pay a fee to the budget of Ukraine in the amount of about 1.276 billion dollars, the newspaper said. For registration of transfer of gas proposed to adopt the resolution of the Cabinet to resolve the contentious issues around the customs clearance of the gas is already imported into Ukraine. The text of such an order was sent in mid-November 2010 for approval to the relevant authorities. The draft document was initialed by Fuel and Energy Minister Yuriy Boiko and contain an exhaustive list of documents and procedures necessary for the rapid execution of judgments. Almost a month after the prepared Boyko project, the government still takes the appropriate decision for the number 1061. However, paragraph 2 of the decree № 1061 of November 15, 2010 has been far from a complete list of the documents indicated in the draft of the document and allows Customs to carry out the procedure for customs clearance of natural gas almost under the law. Of the 13 documents listed earlier in the text of the only five. In this case, gone all that somehow relates to the cost of gas, certificates of quality, relevant instruments of acceptance-transfer registers the volume of gas in underground storage. Thus, RUE managed to avoid costs associated with paying mandatory taxes and charges, sums up the issue. Recall that Naftohaz should gradually transfer 12.1 billion cu. meters of natural gas RUE pursuant to the decision of the Arbitration Institute of Stockholm Chamber of Commerce. In turn, RUE repaid the debt to Naftogaz in the amount of 1.7 billion dollars and must repay the debt to Gazprom in the amount of $ 810 million According to media reports, Naftogaz plans to complete the return of gas to the end of the second quarter of 2011. Ministry of Industry

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