Saturday, September 3, 2011

NBU considers groundless the statements of opposition leader of the uncontrolled emission of money

The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) considers groundless the statements of opposition leader Yulia Tymoshenko on the uncontrolled emission money in the country. "Statements by the leader of the party" Fatherland "Yulia Tymoshenko on an uncontrolled emission of money in Ukraine, which were circulated in the media, is absolutely groundless, not correspond to reality and seek to create negative attitudes in society," - said in a statement NBU, published on its website. As reported, Tymoshenko announced its intention to apply to the Prosecutor General's Office a statement of the crimes the current government - unreasonable emission of money and breeding facilities in the offshore zone. The statement of the National Bank emphasizes that the procedure of issuing money is strictly regulated in Ukraine: NBU has the right to carry out an unsecured issue, which is enshrined in law. "NBU disclaims any uncontrolled and unjustified issue ... the NBU issued into circulation the money earmarked for maintenance of the processes of real economic growth, savings and business needs," - said in a statement. In support of its position NBU said that consumer prices in 2010 amounted to 9,1%, significantly slowed down compared with 2009 (12.3%) and 2008 (22,3%). "Any statements irresponsible populist politicians, relatively uncontrolled and unsecured money issue NBU are baseless and not true. We hope that Ukraine's population will not respond to political speculations, "- summarized in a statement. On materials the Interfax-Ukraine

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