Hence the Prosecutor General Sergei Voichenko, who heads the investigation team to investigate a criminal case against former Interior Minister Yuriy Lutsenko, refuses to allow doctors to him. This was stated by husband's ex-minister of Irina, the press service of "People's self-defense." She noted that the 4-month stay in jail affected the health of her husband. "Yura never to complain, only occasionally paid attention to any inconvenience. But now his health deteriorated and it shows at first sight," - said his wife Lutsenko. She reported that contact one of the clinics described the symptoms of ill health Lutsenko, and doctors advised her to make a detailed analysis of blood. "Blood was held in custody. Test results confirmed that the body of my husband is a specific inflammatory process in a sufficiently serious dynamics. Later, the chief prison medical unit personally conducted the medical examination, and confirmed that my husband has serious health problems", - said I. Lutsenko. She noted that to fully determine the cause of ill health Lutsenko require additional medical examinations and obtain a qualified doctor's advice that it is impossible to carry out the forces and means of medical prison. To obtain permission for admission of a doctor in the detention facility IA Lutsenko filed all necessary documents to the investigator S. Voichenko, who single-handedly solve these issues. "But despite the results of blood tests and conclusions nachmed jail, the investigator without justification reason to deny my husband a doctor's advice," - said I. Lutsenko. She noted that Anatoly Makarenko, who is also in jail and has serious health problems, investigators have also been denied independent medical treatment for alleged improper execution of the request. "Failure to provide adequate medical care to my husband I regard as one of the methods of pressure on him. It also is not that Lutsenko should be sent from prison to a sanatorium, but to simply to allow the doctor to get into prison and designated him explore, "- protested I. Lutsenko. She also added that Lutsenko on Friday to get acquainted with the 46 th volume of the criminal case and he will read the last "secret" that which contains information about state secrets. Yuriy Lutsenko intends to complete reading of the case as early as next week. Recall that Lutsenko was arrested on December 26, 2010, and the next day of Kiev Pechersk district court failed him preventive measure to on his own recognizance to detention for up to 27 February. After this period of detention was extended for another two months - until April 27. GPU brought criminal charges against Lutsenko for malpractice. In addition, ex-minister accused of violating the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of 2008 on the limitation of spending in state agencies in connection with the crisis. Ministry of Industry
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