Prime Minister Mykola Azarov charged the Deputy Prime Minister Boris Kolesnikov in 2011 to complete all started infrastructural facilities related to the conduct of Euro 2012. The Head of Government said today at a Cabinet meeting. According to him, while in the current year should be no stop to start new projects. In his view, the infrastructure is "a magnet for investment, and the problem today is that, to the pace established in 2011, the projects exceeded last year's figures. Create a serious backlog for infrastructure projects in the following years. For a few years, our roads, interchanges, railways stations, airports should be made fully European species, and to be fully European quality. This problem should focus on Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Boris Kolesnikov ", - said Mykola Azarov. Earlier, Boris Kolesnikov said that Ukraine really create a better transport infrastructure in Eastern Europe until 2021. According to him, funded projects to develop transport infrastructure may be due to different sources. The Premier Mykola Azarov noted that in 2010, built entirely by the Government of all planned infrastructure facilities. Ministry of Industry
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