The Ukrainian government is considering changes in pension reform, taking into account the proposals recently dubbed Prime Minister Mykola Azarov told reporters today at a press briefing Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Social Policy Tihipko, UNIAN reports. "Now we are working on, calculate the change. I would not want to speak too soon, because we have not yet done all these calculations ", - he said. In this case, Tyhypko said that, perhaps as early as next week, the pension reform will be presented to reflect the changes. Also deputy prime minister said that Cabinet is considering the option of early retirement after raising the retirement age. Also, according to Tyhypko, the government provides some of the changes that have not yet been announced publicly. Moreover, he noted that in preparing the pension reform, the Government will take into account the opinion of international financial institutions, primarily the World Bank. "I spent the appropriate advice when traveling to Washington with the World Bank, IMF. But here the main specialists still the World Bank - it is the primary organization in the world, which accumulates all the experience of pension reforms around the world "- said Tigipko. We remind the Prime Minister Mykola Azarov admits that when the pension reform transition to raising the retirement age would voluntarily
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