Friday, August 19, 2011

Oschadbank in the first quarter received more than 126 million UAH. profits

January-March 2011 Oschadbank State finished with a profit of 126.6 mln. About this in a financial institution. As of April 1, the loan portfolio amounted to 51.3 bln., Own capital - 16,8 bln. Data on the amount of assets on April 1, the bank does not provide. Earlier, the financial results for first quarter of 2011 has been released Privatbank, Ukreximbank and Kreditprombank. In particular, the largest Ukrainian bank by assets - Privatbank - finished the first quarter of 2011 with net profit of 434.7 mln. This indicator is 2 times higher than the financial results of January-March of 2010, then "Private" worked for 215.4 mln. Net profit of the second largest financial institution assets of the country - Ukreximbank - in January and March of this year grew by 75% compared to the same period of 2010, reaching 17,1 million UAH. Net income included in the 20 largest in Ukraine Kreditprombank in January-March 2011 amounted to 663 thousand UAH. That is 11 times less than the same period of 2010. Materials: Ukrainian News

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