Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Tigipko expects that the IMF will give money in April

Board of Directors of the International Monetary Fund will consider the allocation of Ukraine, another third tranche stand by loan in April. This opinion was expressed by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Social Policy Tihipko. "I think the decision of the board of directors may be somewhere in the month of April. When finally, is still unknown," - he said. The politician added that the fund closely monitoring the implementation of pension reform. "All eyes, as we can make a decision on pension reform and all will be this coming. Because if we can not do that, then for all investors, without exception, not only for the IMF, it will signal in the first place that We can not go to the unpopular ", - said Tigipko. He also noted that the failure of the pension reform will mean for investors that our country can not deal with state budget deficit. As you know, before the Ukrainian side to reach an agreement with the IMF on a smoother increase in gas tariffs for households and businesses heating utilities. Recall that last year the IMF approved a new program of cooperation with Ukraine before the end of 2012 in excess of 15.15 billion U.S. Our country has already received two tranches of the IMF amounting to 3.5 billion dollars Ministry of Industry

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