About a third of Ukrainians (32%), evaluating their financial situation, said that barely make ends meet, sometimes they do not have enough money even for food. That poll, conducted by the Institute Gorshenina 31,7% of respondents said that they have enough food resources, but the purchase of clothing or footwear is already causing difficulties. More than a quarter of respondents (26.4%) reported that, overall, the life they have enough, but not for valuables (furniture, refrigerator). As reported by Bridge-Odessa, only 6% of citizens said they did not suffer material hardship - except for very large purchases (house, car). 1,7% of the respondents do not experience financial difficulties at all. 2,2% of respondents refused to answer the question. The telephone survey was conducted from 14 to 23 February. Total according to a random sample of 2000 respondents were interviewed, who represent the adult population of Ukraine at the age of 18 years, regional centers, cities, towns and villages in Ukraine, including Kiev and Sevastopol. Quotas were gender, age and type of locality of residence of respondents. The error of representativeness of the study does not exceed 2,2%. The data correlate with the numbers, according to the Institute policy, only 8% of respondents in 2010 were earning more. 39% of respondents reported that they have enough food, but buy clothes or shoes - is hard.
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