Thursday, July 28, 2011

Tax Code: Excluded standards were raised

In the Regions Party surprised that the final version of the Tax Code, there are some provisions that are in the finalization were excluded. According to the leader of the Party of Regions faction Alexander Efremov, at this moment received information that the President instructed the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and an expert group to amend the Tax Code and amended to make it to the Verkhovna Rada. "This means that the president will submit the document as amended, and each of them we have to vote", - said A. Efremov at a briefing Tuesday. According to him, the analysis of documents shows that the president disagreed with 11 of the tax code, which, inter alia, violate the Constitution of Ukraine, as well as existing legislation. "It surprises me just one thing: in some areas, we practiced with the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine these issues. But in the final document they are, somehow, appeared again. Therefore, in our view, rightly remarks of the president and must be considered," - said Efremov. Replying to clarifying the question why the deputies voted for adoption of the Code as a whole, if they saw that it contained a number of points against which acted, inter alia, and the deputies of the faction, Efremov said: "We have seen and made the appropriate edits and believed that they were taken into account. But in the final document, we see that these issues are. " He also said that until Thursday to be finalized the appropriate changes to the tax code, and they will be presented with a presidential veto in parliament. According to Efremov, if the parliament will vote on changing the articles of the Tax Code, the document will be voted in general, and these changes will be sent to the president for signature. Faction leader said that if the president will sign this document, then next week in parliament paves the way for work on the state budget for 2011. In this case, Efremov not rule out that next week, which, according to the schedule should not be held plenary meetings will take place 1 or 2 days of the Parliament in plenary to a presentation of the draft budget for 2011. He also noted that after that the parliament will be another 2 weeks of work in plenary regime in order to work on the state budget. "According to regulations, we have plenty of time to accept the document as a whole", - says Alexander Efremov.

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