The nature of this process is still unclear. At least, so say the National Bank. In fact actively losing foreign cash banks have started in September last year. Monthly losses were much higher than $ 1 billion in the first quarter of 2011 from the bank took a 3.6 times greater currency than the same period last year. This is evidenced by statistics of the regulator. According to the newspaper "Economic news, the National Bank has not yet found an explanation of this trend. According to the head group of advisers NBU Valery Litvitsky, causes a significant outflow of hard currency outside the banking system can serve as growth in demand from the business background of negative expectations of the consequences of tax and pension reforms, and expectations in the context of destabilizing foreign exchange and commodity markets in Belarus. In any case, the majority of respondents "i" Experts believe that the outflow is not related to panic the population. Mood of citizens is just the reverse. Most likely, the trend is explained by the mass departure of businesses in the shadow on the eve of introduction in Ukraine of the Tax Code, as well as the upcoming pension reform. In other words, blame - gray imports, for which entrepreneurs are calculated "Cash." Expert investment company Renaissance Capital Ukraine Anastasiya Golovach recalls that beginning of a trend of outflow of funds from the banking system coincided in time with the revitalization of the Ukrainian customs officers last summer. "The financial and economic crisis had a negative effect on consumer demand, resulting in imports virtually stopped. Restoring the same demand in the second half of 2010 intensified the work of customs. From that moment began the outflow of currency from banks ", - says the analyst. In her opinion, it shows just about the informal nature of the work of domestic importers. Similar jumps in the activity of purchase of currencies, like the expert, were observed at the beginning of the crisis. With only one difference - if people assault was taking items of exchange. Now nothing like this. And it may indicate only one thing - the currency of business needs. Thus, predicts Ms Golovach, by the end of the banking system could lose nearly $ 8 billion on imports of gray as the cause of all that is happening, "says Alexander, and Acorn, a senior analyst at the International Centre for Policy Studies. However, he believes, is just one of the reasons for the outflow of currency from the banks. "Rumor has it - jokes expert - that the new government prefers to take bribes in foreign currency. So leave the banks money, and back to the deposits are not returned. However, the president of the Ukrainian think-tank, Alexander Okhrimenko cause massive currency purchases, among other things, calls the loss of public confidence in the national currency. So people are trying to protect their savings. In any case, experts believe, the outflow of currency from the banks - the only part of the problem and indicates the presence of indigenous imbalances in the economy. On the background of the remaining small amount of domestic production to activate consumers' demand will inevitably lead to an increase in imports. And without development, production not solve the problem. And this is a headache not only the National Bank and the government. Ruslan KISLYAK
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