Thursday, July 7, 2011

PR thinks that Ukraine is the authority in Europe

Presidency of Ukraine in the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, which began May 11, evidence of its authority to the CE. The statement was made Vice Chairman of the Parliamentary Foreign Affairs Committee Leonid Kozhara, speaking in the Verkhovna Rada. In his view, the fact that in the Committee of Ministers Chairmanship also prove that the statements of opposition to the establishment in Ukraine allegedly authoritarian regime appears at least exaggerated. "Presidency of the most authoritative European organization in the formation and protection standards of democracy and human rights will be significantly strengthened the position of Ukraine in the European political space", - said the representative of the Party of Regions. According to him, the position of PR lies in the fact that Ukraine considers the CE as the basic platform for the formation of common European values ??across the continent, irrespective of their participation in various non-governmental organizations. "Ukraine continues to successfully move ahead with economic integration, both in its relations with the European Union and the Commonwealth of Independent States. Yesterday and today in Brussels, held another round of talks with the EU on the FTA. We hope that during this last round of significant differences between the parties are agreed, and soon that part of the Association Agreement, which deals with creating an FTA to be ready for signing ", - said A. Kozhara. He clarified that at the same time on May 19 in the framework of the next meeting of Heads of Governments of CIS countries in Minsk signed an agreement on an FTA CIS. According to L. Kozhara, the Cabinet took an active part in developing this document, which takes into account the principal trade and economic interests of Ukraine. "So these are formally independent of each other's events, which actually coincided show loyalty to the principle that the interests of Ukraine meets the most active part in the process of economic integration in the West and the East" - summed up Deputy Verkhovna Rada Committee on Foreign Affairs. Earlier, the president of the European Parliament Jerzy Buzek said that before the end of 2011 will be a positive result in terms of signing an association agreement between Ukraine and the EU. At the same time he appreciated the understanding of power Ukraine need for harmonization in the way of integration into European structures. Ministry of Industry

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