On the eve of a banker CEO of VTB Bank Vadim Pushkarev said the comment about the situation on the Ukrainian banking market, about whether it is possible repetition of the crisis and what to change in our legislation. May 20 - Day of the banker. As banks are now live on the wave of society-non-obvious, and ignoring the power of your interests? First of all I want to congratulate our colleagues on the shop floor with the coming professional holiday and to say hello to all debtors. We, the bankers, you remember and never forget. - Financial sector really began to emerge from the crisis? Depending on the state (but regardless of the size and position in the ranking), the banks can be divided into several groups. The first are financial institutions that are already out of the crisis. They were able to build reserves and resource base to attract, retain its name and customers, and either have already begun to lend to, or are actively preparing for it. This group includes the top ten banks. Of course, with the exception of the bank "Nadra" and Rodovid Bank. Second, the largest group - the financial institutions who are in the post-shock, but having a good chance to emerge from the crisis. They retained pay, control over their loan portfolio, staff, clientele. Their main problem - a significant amount of distressed assets. Finally, the third group - those banks whose loan portfolios was unsupportable. They face the important task: to either sell or find an investor, or prepare for liquidation. What is the likelihood of recurrence of the crisis in the banking sector? In a country with unstable economy, unstable working industry, the colossal shadow sector is constantly changing the rules of the game, like Ukraine, is always the possibility of a crisis. At present, domestic banks have no shortage of resource, but very cautiously increasing their lending. Why? The banks, especially the first twenty, liquidity is really too much. They have an urgent need to lend, but the question is - who? An acute shortage in the market borrowers are able to meet the increased requirements of banks post-crisis, which can boast a stable financial condition, show a profit or at least no loss. Such customers is extremely small, and around them are now marking time all the banks to resume lending. How many financial institutions have already begun actively lending to the economy? Of the Ukrainian banks the real sector on a large scale state-owned banks lend only - Ukreximbank and Oschadbank and Privatbank. The category of the most active lenders include the Ukrainian "daughter" of Russian banks - Sberbank, Vneshekonombank, Alfa-Bank, of course, VTB. But, again, to emphasize: we are marking time on the same field, around the same borrowers, bring down prices, pamper clients. This situation is obviously not on hand to creditors. With regard to major financial institutions with foreign roots, they are not at risk to increase its active operations, waiting for the permission of parent structures. In the retail situation is different. In this segment, the most active stance taken is small, specialized Ukrainian banks that promote car loans, consumer loans, to a lesser extent - the mortgage. Behind them on the market beyond the Russian and Western banks. Can we say that one of the obstacles to building the banks of active operations is imperfect legal framework? Absolutely. Constraint on lending is the fear of banks to big downs of credit. This problem must be solved at the legislative level. On the eve of the election on a wave of populism MPs supported the change in the law which shall abridge the right of banks to recover assets of debtors, distressed debt, etc. As a result, Ukraine thrives excellent business: you can take, for example, 50 mln. credit, 30 of them give lawyers and the courts to get permission to not repay the loan. Banking community in conjunction with the NBU today has prepared several draft laws, which should put everything in its place. But I think now no one will insist on the introduction of unpopular measures in relation to debtors. Although the main problem - the major debtors, many of whom sit in parliament with deputy badges. As the bulk of the debt holders, they hide behind the concern for ordinary Ukrainians, but primarily to protect its own interests. If banks know that their interests are protected, the rights are guaranteed lending, of course, would have increased. Do you support the initiatives of National Bank to introduce a legislative ban on foreign currency lending to individual persons and enterprises without foreign exchange earnings, as well as on early withdrawal of deposits? You can allow most foreign currency lending to quality borrowers - people with steady income verification, which is not afraid of exchange rate fluctuations. I support restrictions on foreign currency lending to small and some medium-sized businesses. As for big business, particularly the priority development sectors, I would allow them to lend in foreign currency. This would give businesses the ability to get enough of cheap resources. With regard to the prohibition on early withdrawal of deposits, I fully support this initiative. If the bank assumes the obligation related to placement of their funds in the form of loans, it must be guaranteed immediate placement resource and the client. There is much talk about the need for consolidation in the banking system. Does Ukraine need small banks? In my opinion, small banks have a lot of advantages. Quality of service there is often much higher than in large financial institutions. They serve a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises, but rather adapt to the situation, react quickly to changes. Therefore, I believe, can not be forced to increase the authorized capital of banks. This is contrary to the principles of Basel. There is a norm of capital adequacy, which must comply with Ukrainian banks. Incidentally, it is even more rigid than regulations in force in developed countries of Western Europe. And if banks perform this rate, they should not be a claim. Is the possibility of buying VTB Bank on the Ukrainian market? Today, in Ukraine there is no bank that we would like to buy. Mainly because of the state financial institutions. While we do not plan to market and other new structures under the VTB brand, for example, the same pension fund or insurance company. But it is quite likely to yield other Russian banks on the Ukrainian market by buying local financial institutions. The classical scheme of rapid growth - not an evolutionary development, and buying businesses. An example of such a strategy - of VTB Bank, which acquired in Russia Guta Bank, Transbank, is the acquisition of BM Bank, etc. I think that some Russian banks will choose a similar scenario for the development of business through acquisition of banks in Ukraine. First of all, this option will be beneficial for those who have entered this market later, but wants to occupy a prominent place. I guess soon on the Ukrainian market will be another two or three major Russian banks. Estimated the NBU, the share of Russian capital in the overall structure of all banks with foreign capital now stands at 24,5%. What proportion of the Ukrainian banking market may be concentrated in the hands of Russian investors in the next three to five years? Perhaps it is not dorastet up to 50% of the total foreign capital in the system, but can reach significant targets. Of course, provided that the regulator will not impose any restrictions. Despite the high riskiness, the Ukrainian market is very attractive. By the way, risky, frightening foreign investors, it is absolutely not embarrassed Russian banks, which are used to working under similar conditions. Vadim Denisenko on materials: Comments
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