The problem of legitimacy tinting car windows can and must be addressed in passing inspection. If a policeman is trying to fine the driver for the "wrong" shading, based on the testimony of any portable devices such as "Bleak," such action is necessary to appeal to the court. It just so happens that if Traffic police is preparing another surprise for car owners, something from him can not be abandoned. We are not talking about the new rules the SDA (which is about to threaten to take), not on ordinary technical means for fixing vehicles. Today GAI going to check vehicles for tinted glasses. Not so long ago, this summer, the Traffic police "disarmed" own cars, taking off their "Black Glasses", saying that police work was more transparent. Apparently, in the near future and ordinary road users will have to part with toning, in any case, the one that does not meet certain requirements. Everyone knows that the reason toned your car in every different - someone has paid tribute to fashion, someone does not want his car showroom was opened to outsiders and the prying eyes of someone does not like sunny color, and in someone's Iron Horse are glass, so to speak, from birth. But GAI your opinion on this matter. The guardians of order on the roads feel that toning significantly more difficult for the driver an opportunity to review the road, which, in turn, threatens the accident. The Darkness - a friend of youth, but must obey the state standard So what's the degree of darkening or tinting glass until resolved? After all, if you look at KUoAP, then it we will not find a single article, the disposition of which is devoted to violations of the rules of toning, and the sanction involves a certain penalty. Nevertheless, until now, many car owners at risk of being stopped by the inspectors, and "astonished" protocol on administrative violation. The reason? Does not match the degree of dimming glass requirements. So, in such cases, the effect of article. 121 KUoAP, or rather hours, 1 tbsp. 121: "Management of vehicles that have brake failures, steering, ... or other technical malfunctions, which in accordance with established rules of their operation is prohibited, or converted in violation of relevant rules, regulations and standards ... punishable by a fine of 20 25 NMDG. In addition, the repeated (within a year) such offenses face "repeat offender" deprivation of the right to control the vehicle to a period of 3 to 6 months or administrative arrest for a term of 5 to 10 days. Yes, it is normally resorted to such a traffic policeman, stopping you on the road for a reason, let's say, the strong opacity of your car. It is noteworthy that in accordance with clause 31.1 the SDA, the technical condition of the vehicle and its equipment must meet standards relating to road safety and other normative and technical documentation. In addition, Section 31.4.7 SDA established that prohibits operation of vehicle when mounted on glass items or additional coating, which limit the view from the driver's seat and reduce its transparency. But the norm is called a note, according to which on top of the car's windshield can be attached to transparent color film. Authorizes the use of tinted glass (except mirror), light transmission to meet the requirements of GOST 5727-88. By the way, about the guests. So, GOST 5727-88 "Safety glass for land transport" in section 2.2.4 states that light transmission windscreens of vehicles must be at least 75%, and wind heat-absorbing glass, dyed and toned, not distort the correct perception of the white , yellow, red, green and blue colors. In this light transmission of glass, providing visibility for the driver, it should be: 75% - for the windscreen and windows, giving the driver 180 ? field of view and 70% - for the glass without a windscreen. Optical transmission of other nevetrovyh glasses is not standardized. Glass with light transmission less than 70% additionally marked with "V". For every "Blick" can be found antiblik But it is important to realize that no matter how knowledgeable a road inspector in the eye test and determine the degree of darkening it can not. Therefore we should not "lead" on allegations of abuse of, or in violation of the GOST. Chief assistant inspector in this case, of course, will be the instrument for testing light transmission of glass - "Blick". But there are some questions. Firstly, according to the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs 1 March 2010 number 33, which approved a list of the technical tools used in the traffic police departments Interior to identify and fix the violations of traffic rules, devices that determine the haze, not at all, not to mention the "Blick". However, if you believe the representatives of the SAI, the Ministry is already conducting a tender and beginning to purchase special equipment to test vehicles for light transmission. So soon it will be possible to expect changes in the order named MIA. Secondly, even if the traffic police and will apply this cunning priborchik, then it sets certain rules, in particular, the Law of Ukraine "On metrology and metrological activity". For example, Art. 11 of the Act provides that the means of measuring equipment (to include koim "Blick", etc.) may be used if they meet the standards of accuracy established for these funds, under certain conditions of their operation. So, say in the instructions of the same "Blick" is specified, it can be used at temperature from -10 to +40 ? C. In other words, to measure the tint, or rather, haze, the winter cold can not. And another important point. All statements made by traffic police about their desire to check the tinting car, very controversial. If you refer to Part 4 of Art. 35 Law of Ukraine "On traffic, then the state inspection on vehicles intended for use on the road network for general use and are registered in units of traffic police Internal Affairs of Ukraine, carried out by these units, and checking the technical condition of the vehicles during the technical checkup - authorized entities managing on the basis of a permit issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs Inspectorate. Thus, this test car can only be done during his inspection, but not at the request of traffic police officer during a stop of the vehicle. True, we should not forget that an employee traffic police can follow the order of Ministry of Internal Affairs of 13.10.2008 № 534 "On approving the procedure for monitoring the technical condition of wheeled vehicles (CCC) funds during their operation." Thus, according to the order, this order determines the procedure of police employee checks the technical condition of vehicle during operation between public inspection, which are carried out in the presence of real evidence of a technical malfunction or contamination of the TS environment. This means that if a traffic police officer has reason to believe that the technical condition of your iron horse leaves much to be desired, he is entitled to your stop, and during a visual inspection or verification with the use of special measuring means for DSTU 3649-97 "Means of transport traffic. operational security requirements and technical conditions and methods of control, and can check your tint. Importantly, stay calm! Finally, to be sure that your tint is within legal requirements, you can always refer to specialists, who shall verify that the transmittance of your glasses, using special devices and guided by "his" State Standard - GOST 27902 "Safety glass for automobiles, tractors . This standard applies to determine the light transmission using a method that helps to define the normal light transmission of glass for light intensity transmitted by the test window. GOST 27902 also found that in the absence of specific indication of the tests must be performed under the following conditions: temperature - 20 (± 5) ? C, pressure - from 86 to 106 kPa, relative humidity - 60 (± 20)%, and already having caught such spravochku - none of GAI-Schnick (for toning) you are not afraid. Based on the data, the driver can fully explain convincingly traffic police, which is something nameryal and wants to compile a report that his measurements did not meet the requirements of GOST, because thermometer with a no, no hygrometer, barometer no. And there is no evidence confirming that the inspector knows how to use all of this weather station. If the arguments of his action had no effect, and the protocol is still drawn in his own hand should fit the observations, with references to items in the SDA and GOST, explaining that the measurements were carried out correctly. Make a record in the minutes, stating under what circumstances an inspector came to the conclusion that you have committed violations of what the device and in any weather, temperature conditions, it is used. All this may help you win the trial and avoid a fine. Infospravka Pros and cons of tinted glasses of course, toning has certain advantages. It absorbs ultraviolet light and most of the heat rays, making it easier to work the air conditioner. Tinted glass is stronger impact or contact with the stone. However, we must realize that in a critical situation, this strength can turn sideways: to flee the car with a jammed door will be much harder if the glass can not easily dislodge. In this case, the main argument GAI - toning reduces visibility, which is why the possibility of a crash. Other arguments, too, have a place to be, but they look pretty ridiculous: "Often it is a" tight "toned cars drive offenders, and state inspector, stopped a car on the road, do not see exactly who is inside, and endanger their lives and the lives of other drivers. " In addition, the toning of glasses supposedly have a negative impact on health. In the dark hours in the human body produces "sleep hormone - melatonin - thanks to him people can fall asleep and sleep soundly. Production of melatonin is dependent on the light - an excess of light reduces the formation of the hormone, and reduction of light increases the synthesis and secretion of melatonin. Accordingly, the darker the room, the more melatonin is produced - increased lethargy and drowsiness, which is unacceptable when driving behind the wheel. However, why the harm toning remembered just now, still the mystery. Perhaps because neighboring Russia to 23 September 2010 the penalty for an incorrect tint glasses increased 5 times, and our ministry does not want to keep up with the northern neighbors?
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