Association Agreement with the European Union, Ukraine is more profitable than entry into the Customs Union. This is evidenced by the results of the expert survey conducted by pollster Razumkov Centre from 26 to 29 April 2011. According to experts, the agreement on association more positive impact on strengthening the security of the country - an average score of 3.76. Assessing the impact on the safety of joining the Customs Union - 2,15 (asked to rate the degree of influence on a scale of five - 5 "very good", 1 - "very bad"). The Association Agreement will be more effective than membership in the Customs Union, to promote an enabling environment for the development of national economy - the proportion of estimates 3.8 and 2.46. Also an agreement with the EU will obviously greater positive effect in terms of attracting investments and innovative technologies to modernize the economy - the ratio of assessments - 4.08 and 2.34. Also more effectively influence the agreement with the EU on Ukraine's integration into the global economy - 4.26 and 2.1. For all other positions the experts clearly preferred the Association Agreement, as the entry into the Customs Union. Ratings as follows: the development of democracy (4,1 and 1.79), strengthening the fight against corruption (3.9 and 1.83), the development of mutually advantageous partnership relations with the countries of the world (3.98 and 2.53), the implementation course of European integration (4.71 and 1.63), a positive international image of the country (4.39 and 2.32). During his visit to Kiev on April 12 the Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said that the direct benefit of Ukraine of joining the Customs Union can make 6,5-9 billion dollars a year. In addition, according to the Russian premier, annual GDP growth in Ukraine will be 1,5-2% of the administrative decision-making in the field of integration. However, later in the media reported that Putin had not received the express consent of President Viktor Yanukovych in Ukraine's entry into the Customs Union. As earlier reported, Yanukovych in his annual address to parliament declared Ukraine's participation in the Customs Union in the format of "3 +1", ie, as an associate membership. Ministry of Industry
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