Big business expects that with the introduction of new tax legislation will be adopted and international standards of accounting, which are understandable to investors and bankers around the world and relieve the business from accounting to double standards. "Accounting standards are either national or international. And if such political will to introduce international standards as national ones, the accounting will be easier. It is a big business that goes to the global capital markets, loans of international banks in their Anyway there are accounting to international standards, because to raise capital, we need audited financial statements according to international standards. That is, they are here such records and records according to national standards, and they are tax records. If there is a choice, for big business will be at least one account. Our national standards exclusively for reporting and international brings them money, and it understandable to investors and bankers around the world. Now they want to change the law on accounting. For what would be January 1, significant public companies (banks , insurance companies, etc.) have entered the international standards ", - said Dmitry Alekseenko, CEO of the audit company. According to him, there are companies that are not yet ready to work on these standards. "If their accountants are not aware of these standards, but if you accept the rules of what they are all over the world (even the U.S. next year goes by its standards on international ones) will become easier. We are still in the transitional regime, the solution should be political will, that here on January 1, we turn to international standards ", - concluded D. Alekseenko. Recall Friday, December 3, President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych signed the Tax Code adopted by the Ukrainian parliament on Thursday, December 2, taking into account the proposals made by the President.
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