Saturday, July 2, 2011

Because of fraud in Germany was replaced every third ATM

Deutsche Bank last year had to replace about a third of ATMs because of the frequent cases of fraud, reports the Financial Times Deutschland. Total expenditure on replacement machines reached 60 million euros, and a half times higher than similar charges last year. In total, according to the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) in Germany, had to change the 3183 ATM. The reason for replacement of vehicles has been increasing activity of the fraudsters, hunting for these credit card customers. To obtain the necessary information, criminals use a variety of technical tricks - mikrokamery to capture a set of customer PIN code, fake keyboard and special reading devices that are attached over the hole to receive cards. One such device is installed on the ATM, the information about the card is written to the card-disc, after which the funds withdrawn from the customer's account. As it became known from the words of the head of the Circus BKA Joerg (Joerg Ziercke), offenders learn new ways to steal data on credit cards. For example, scammers have to install special devices are not only ATMs, but also the payment terminals at gas stations and railways. To combat this kind of fraudulent bank accounts to establish more and more sophisticated cash machines, which cost up to 100 thousand euros. It is also great hope in the protection of plastic cards lay on the so-called EMV-chip, which prevents the possibility of using a copy card in Europe. However, this measure is not effective enough, because criminals can easily withdraw money from cards in the neighboring EU countries. According to the Tagesschau, on the fraudulent banokomatami specialize mainly immigrants from Romania and Bulgaria. Catch the criminals is difficult because they are extremely cautious. A simple and reliable ways to deal with such rogue is still a restriction on access to ATMs - the machine is placed inside the building, which can get in only by the plastic card itself. In this situation, banks are concerned not so much the theft of funds from credit cards, how many significant resources allocated to the modernization of ATM security to avoid losing the confidence of customers. Total number of fraud actions, according to Joerg Ziercke, suffered 190,000 cardholders. Over what period of these statistics is not specified. Source:

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