Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Azarov admits the change in the conditions for the IMF loan

Prime Minister Mykola Azarov allow renegotiation of the country receiving loans from the International Monetary Fund, if the Ukrainian market will not develop as rapidly as planned. He stated this at a press conference, reports The Mirror of the Week ". "Due to the fact that world markets are in a state of uncertainty we are experiencing serious problems. Plans that we have built together with the IMF mission, primarily related to economic development, may be revised, if our domestic market will not develop so rapidly, as we expected, "- said the prime minister. It was reported that negotiations with the International Monetary Fund on the gas price increase for the population, Prime Minister Mykola Azarov has chosen tactics of Yulia Tymoshenko. In particular, at today's meeting, the Ukrainian prime minister to persuade the IMF that for Ukraine to reach an agreed budget deficit and finpokazateley Naftogaz Ukraine "does not necessarily increase for the population of gas prices to the price level of imported gas, as for the needs of the population uses produced in the Ukraine natural gas. On Wednesday, the first vice-premier Andrei Klyuyev said that the government considers inappropriate the significant increase in gas prices this spring and is making plans to increase production of its own natural gas and oil shale. As you know, need to raise gas tariffs for the population to 50% provided a memorandum on cooperation between Ukraine and the IMF. In previous times the price of gas for the population rose in the summer of 2010. Ministry of Industry

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