Thursday, July 7, 2011

Around the power plant Fukushima increase the exclusion zone

Residents of small towns and Kawamata Iitate outside the previously established exclusion zone around the stricken nuclear power plant, Fukushima-1 in Japan, fled their homes and spent the night in evacuation centers. Reported by the publication of the Air Force. According to him, the decision to expand the exclusion zone was made based on the prediction that the radiation levels will continue to grow after successive failed attempts to stabilize the reactor at the "Fukushima-1 '. About 5 thousand people. Housed in municipal buildings, hotels and other premises in neighboring towns. In the coming days expect new evacuation. "I know that you are concerned, but together we will overcome difficulties," - these words welcomed the first group of evacuees Mayor Kawamata Michio Furukawa. Recall the Japanese engineers stopped trying to stabilize the damaged reactor, "Fukushima- 1. They were going to cool it by pumping water into the chamber unit. However, the metal fuel rods melted and burned a hole in the chamber, resulting in about 3 tons of contaminated water has got into the foundation of the building. It was reported that the Japanese authorities and the operating company TEPCO announced that a full stop the reactor would take 9 months and will be completed only in January next year. According to the Japanese cabinet Gosee Hosono, ending attempts to stabilize the reactor will not affect the deadline the work is completed. TEPCO promises to unveil new plan to stabilize the reactor on May 17 . As is known, it has been relocated people living within a radius of 30 km from the plant, but the new evacuated the city are at a greater distance. Recall that an earthquake of magnitude 9 on Richter scale occurred in Japan on March 11. As a result of floods in NPP Fukushima-1 because of the failure of the reactor coolant system, there were several explosions and radiation leaks. Ministry of Industry

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