Thursday, December 22, 2011

Global demand for ferrochrome will increase by 8%

The global demand for ferrochrome in 2011 increased by 8%. This opinion was expressed in the South African mining company Merafe Resources, said Yieh.Corp. The demand for ferrochrome in China this year will increase by 13%. By the way, China in December 2010 compared with December 2009 increased the import of ferrochrome by 9,8% to 215.591 tonnes. Compared with the previous month supply of products into the country increased by 19.4%. Before representatives of the South African ferrochrome producer International Ferro Metals have suggested that global stainless steel production in 2011 will reach 33 million tons. According to them, that in the short term will benefit the market for ferrochrome. Recall that Merafe Resources in 2010 compared to 2009 increased its production of ferrochrome to 300 tons. This was made possible thanks to the reopening of most of the furnaces Merafe against the backdrop of improving demand. The holding also added that the capacity utilization in the past year rose to 74% versus 50% a year earlier. South African concern Merafe Resources is one of the world's largest producers of ferrochrome. The company is controlled by holding companies Merafe and Xstrata. Ministry of Industry

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