The National Bank requested the Government to strengthen the mechanism of lending to priority sectors and to reduce borrowing rates. The main priority is the construction industry. Major creditors - the state banks. Construction industry in the first quarter of this year has finally begun to show signs of recovery. According to Goskomstat construction volume in the first quarter of this year increased compared to the same period last year to 6.8% (up 7.8 billion UAH).. So that the optimism among builders of a few were added, although specific reasons for being proud is not yet that neither they themselves nor the officials responsible for the state of the industry. Firstly, because the current growth was formed partly because of low statistical base in January-March last year, when the volume of construction work decreased immediately by 21,5%, even in comparison with the crisis first quarter of 2009. Secondly, the current improvement is due mainly to government spending, leading active preparations for Euro 2012. For example, among enterprises, greatly increase the workload, the builders of bridges, road bridges, tunnels and subways (3,7 times), as well as roads, airfields and sports facilities the device surfaces (1,6 times). So the statistics speak for themselves. Private equity is still going into the construction industry is not too happy, even though the state and has already announced a significant simplification of licensing procedures in the industry. In 2010 (the most recent data not yet published), fixed capital investments in the sector amounted to only 82,2% from the 2009 level, and only a paltry 2.9% - of all assimilated capital investments last year.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
NBU marks reduction of the share of foreign capital into the banking system by 1,6 percentage points up to 39,9% in April
The National Bank notes the decrease in the share of foreign capital in Ukrainian banking system in April to 1.56 percentage points from 41.46% to 39.9%. This is stated in the message NBU. As of May 1 of the 177 banks operating in Ukraine 54 financial institutions - with foreign capital (as of 1 January - 55 banks with foreign capital of 176 employees), including 20 - with 100% foreign capital (1 January - 20 banks) . The aggregate registered charter capital of Ukrainian banks on May 1 totaled 152.996 billion hryvnia (January 1 - 145 857 000 000 hryvnia). Net assets of Ukrainian banks on May 1 was 1 018 716 000 000 hryvnia (January 1 - 942 088 000 000 hryvnia), total assets (not adjusted for provisions for the active transactions) - 1 176 272 000 000 hryvnia (1 January - 1 090 248 000 000 hryvnia). As of May 1 in Ukraine there were 195 banks, 18 of which were in a state elimination (January 1 - 194 and 18 banks, respectively). The share of problem loans to total loans granted by Ukrainian banks on May 1 was 11.07%, or 86.269 billion hryvnia (the total amount of loans on May 1 - 779 545 000 000 hryvnia). As reported, in January 2011 the share of foreign capital in Ukrainian banking system decreased by 0.1 percentage points from 40,6% to 40,5% in February decreased by 0.1 percentage points up to 40,4% in March increased by 1.06 percentage points from 40.4% to 41.46%. For the year 2010 the share of foreign capital in Ukrainian banking system increased by 4.8 percentage points from 35.8% to 40.6% in 2009 decreased by 0.9 percentage points from 36,7% to 35,8%.
National Bank has the right to appoint a financial groups looking
The bill MPs adopted on second reading and a whole day during the morning session. For a decision 258 deputies have voted, according to RBC-Ukraine. According to certain provisions of the Project, the National Bank carries out supervision on a consolidated basis to banking groups, the State Commission for Regulation of Financial Services and the State Commission on Securities and Stock Market. Financial Group is committed to identify, among financial institutions, its member, the person in charge of the group and align it with the appropriate state regulator. The responsible person of the financial group must ensure that a group of requirements established by the appropriate state regulator. The bill also provides for the right to state regulators to apply sanctions to financial groups and their members in case of violation of laws and regulations of state regulators, in particular, to establish for these groups of high prudential standards, limits and restrictions on certain types of transactions. Recall, December 21, 2010 deputies were the basis for the bill.
NBU sold on April 28 certificates of deposit at banks 1,742 million hryvnia
National Bank on Thursday, April 28, the banks sold their certificates of deposit totaling $ 1,742 million hryvnia. This was reported by the National Bank. National Bank to regulate liquidity mobilized funds through a tender to deploy NBU certificates of deposit for a period of 7 days on the weighted average interest rate of 2.0% per annum 1 bank of $ 80 million hryvnia, for a period of 14 days at the weighted average interest rate of 2.5% per annum 1 Bank $ 150 million hryvnia, for a period of 29 days at the weighted average interest rate of 3.0% per annum 2 banks amounting to 118 million hryvnia, and for a period of 57 days at the weighted average interest rate of 4,0% annual 6 banks amounting to 1,394 million hryvnia. As reported, the NBU on April 27 sold their bank certificates of deposit totaling $ 5,405 million hryvnia. In accordance with paragraph 2.6 of Chapter 2 of the Regulation of National Bank of bank liquidity, the Board approved Resolution № 259 dated April 30, 2009, in percentage tender on the placement of certificates of deposit banks offer their own interest rate. In March, the National Bank to regulate liquidity mobilized (attracted) to banks for a total of 14,459 million hryvnia. In January-March, the National Bank drew 40,223 million hryvnia to banks. In 2010, the NBU has attracted 248,097 million hryvnia to banks. NBU shall deposit auctions to withdraw from the market of money to spare. Materials: Ukrainian News
The share of overdue loans in Ukraine in April rose to 11.07% - NBU
The amount of overdue loans in Ukraine in April 2011 rose by 0.05 percentage points - up to 11.07% (at the beginning of 2011 - 11.24%) of total loans. As reported on the website of the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU), the absolute amount of outstanding credit debt for April increased by 0,8% - to 86.269 billion USD against the background of total loans at 0.4% - to UAH 779.545 billion . From January to April the volume of overdue credit debt increased by 1,7%, while the volume of loans - at 3.3%. In a message NBU also indicates that the aggregate registered charter capital of banks in the country in April increased by 4.04% - up to 152.996 billion USD, and since the beginning of the year - at 4.89%, from 145.857 billion USD. The share of foreign capital in the aggregate authorized capital of banks in April dropped to 39.9% from 41.46% (beginning of the year - 40,6%). The total number of operating the country's banks with foreign capital in April remained at 54 financial institutions. Number of banks with 100% foreign capital also has not changed - in a country with 20 of these financial institutions. In general, according to NBU on May 1, 2011 in Ukraine there were 177 out of 195 registered banks, 18 banks were under liquidation. Materials: Interfax-Ukraine
Expert: NBU data on troubled assets of banks do not reflect the real picture
Data NBU on troubled assets of Ukrainian banks at 15% does not fully reflect the real picture, experts say one of the largest Ukrainian collection companies Credit Collection Group. According to Director of Business Development and Quality Standards Credit Collection Group Ashot Harutyunyan's safe to say overstated or understated, these data, there is no way. "It's hard to say, overstated or understated the NBU data, because the NBU, as the state regulator, simply cites his statistics. It must be remembered that the banks submit to the National Bank accounts, which, by default, the maximum corresponds to the mandatory requirements of the regulator. Cases when their own data management accounting financial institution may differ from those statements filed by the NBU, at least for the reason that different assets in terms of shareholders, investors and the regulator have a different value. No need to just forget about that part of the bad debts successfully bred by banks in financial companies, accountable to the HFC, and not NBU. Certainly, one can positively evaluate the fact that the NBU has openly stated about the need to liberalize the market for distressed assets. This is really what is needed as buyers or sellers of debt and the debtors themselves, "- he said. Recall that in mid-April, the deputy head of the National Bank of Ukraine Igor Sorkin, estimate the volume of distressed assets at 15%. "Today adversely classified 15% of assets. Of course, banks are scared.
Belarus National Bank lifted the restriction of the course in the interbank market
The National Bank of Belarus took an unofficial limit of the Belarusian ruble during the inter-bank transactions, which was introduced last Thursday, RIA Novosti reported, representatives of several Belarusian banks. The first deputy chairman of the National Bank of Belarus Nikolai Luzgin April 19, said that restrictions on the formation of the Belarusian ruble when buying and selling currencies on the interbank market are removed, and the foreign exchange market will be open the second session. Earlier, the Belarusian ruble exchange rate fluctuations in interbank transactions should not exceed 10%. After the removal of restrictions Belarusian ruble exchange rate in the interbank market exceeded 5 thousand rubles to the dollar at the official rate of about 3,050 rubles. But already on Thursday, April 21, the National Bank once again limited the interbank rate - according to representatives of several banks that they have received from the controller corresponding to the oral order. The new restriction has made 4,5 thousand rubles. After this, interbank transactions in Belarus have almost stopped. "The National Bank has invited representatives of banks and explained that there were no restrictions no longer exist", - has told RIA Novosti on Thursday, a representative of one of the banks. "Now the deal is, of course, will resume," - he said. The official rate for this Thursday is 3,033 Belarusian rubles per dollar. Interviewee of the agency also reported that the National Bank recommended that the banks "to facilitate buying foreign currency in the OTC market.
AUB proposes to amend the Tax Code regarding the implementation by banks of functions of tax agents
The Association of Ukrainian Banks appealed to the leadership of the National Bank of Ukraine and the parliamentary committees on finance, banking, tax and customs policies to support the proposed bank proposal to amend the Tax Code of Ukraine. As noted in the AUB, initiating the changes caused by the ambiguous interpretation of existing norms of NK Ukraine on taxation of insurance benefits to an individual, if they get sent right beneficiary. According to experts AUB, now prevalent is the practice of life insurance an individual borrower or property that he owns, on the terms on which the beneficiary on insurance contracts is a bank. Further, such funds are to repay debts of an individual, the borrower under the loan agreement. Current standards allow Ukraine NC interpret the rules of taxation of insurance compensation in such a way that the payments under the contract of insurance is not included in the total (monthly) income tax only on condition if they received such a taxpayer. However, if the beneficiary receives payments - the bank and immediately forward them to repay debts of an individual taxpayer, it may be regarded by tax authorities as providing an additional benefit of an individual (in the form of the loan, interest, etc.) with the appropriate retention from the amount of income tax payments. In AUB believe that this situation does not meet the basic principles of taxation, since for the same type of income may different taxation of the same individual, depending only on implementation technology of the insurance contract when it is essentially unchanged (subject to insurance risks of a natural person, means directed to repay the debt / needs of the individual).
Belarusian state-owned banks are waiting for the devaluation of the Belarusian ruble to 65%
The average rate of purchase of state banks of Belarus of foreign currency in this country than the official 65%, wrote on Tuesday, the opposition Belarusian Internet resource "Charter 97". In a medium state-owned banks the most appropriate course for exporters of non-cash purchase dollar offers Belinvestbank - 5 100 rubles. If the transaction exceeds 20 thousand dollars, the bank is willing to offer a course 5,150 per dollar. In Belarusbank buy dollars in legal entities are ready for 4,800 rubles, and that's to sell - in 5000. This "unofficial" rate projected for the next two weeks. National Bank's official rate of the proposed amount exceeds the average by 65%. Therefore, lawyers are warning state-owned banks: operations are only possible as a result of individual negotiations with a legal entity and with the supplementary agreement. If the entity would request him to sell the currency should meet the bank's finance committee, which decides whether to even sell the firm or company dollars, enough important reasons specified in the declaration, according to National Statistical Committee. According to economist Irene Urban, pent-up demand for the currency such that the inflow of foreign currency is not enough to satisfy it. "Strengthening currencies in such a situation will not happen. In addition, will continue to decrease exports and imports. This will also affect employment. 600 thousand people stopped working, said National Statistical Committee.
Bank of England lowered growth forecasts for this week
Bank of England lowered growth forecasts this week, confirming that the recovery has slowed due to reductions in government spending. The Central Bank plans to revise downwards growth forecast for this week with the disclosure of the Quarterly Inflation Report on Wednesday. This is the second increase, the previous time the Bank of England lowered its forecast in February. Lowering is likely to be accompanied by a slight rise in inflation forecast for the near future, analysts say. Combined, the prospects for growth and inflation is likely to indicate that the bank will leave rates unchanged at 0.5% until the end of the year - in line with the latest forecasts. In February, the bank cut growth forecast to 3.27% in November to 2.6%. Economists said they had "no choice" but even if the forecast will be lowered again, he would remain above 1.5%. "Given that the bank expects growth of 0.8% in the first quarter, and we got 0.5%, they do not have much choice but to lower growth," - said the hat from Mexico Daiwa Capital Markets. On materials K2Kapital
The head of BNP Paribas intends to resign
The most influential banker of France Michel Pebero resigns from his post as chairman of the board of directors of the bank BNP Paribas, reported The Financial Times. According to Reuters, the resignation Pebero will be announced at a shareholders meeting BNP Paribas, which will be held in Paris on Wednesday. In place of the famous banker claimed two men. The first of them - is chief executive Baudouin Prot Bank, which oversee the operations of BNP Paribas in the crisis. Among its obvious merit, - the purchase of Belgian bank Fortis and BNP Paribas cautious policy of granting loans to pre-crisis years. Baudouin Prot feel confidant Michel Pebero. The second contender to head the board of directors of the bank's experts believe the publication of Chief Operating Officer BNP Paribas, Jean-Laurent Bonafe. He has participated in conducting complex financial maneuvers to buy Fortis and Italian bank BNL and for many years worked hand in hand with Baudouin Proto. Financial performance of BNP Paribas are growing, experts say. Net profit BNP Paribas in the I quarter of 2011 grew at an annualized 14.6% and reached 2.616 billion euros. Quarterly revenue increased relative to I quarter 2010 on 1,3% and amounted to 11.685 billion euros. Source: BFM.Ru
British banking group HSBC in the next three years, plans to reduce the cost of 2,5-3,5 billion
The British banking group HSBC Holdings, one of the largest in the world, over the next three years, plans to reduce the cost of 2,5-3,5 billion and produce a strategic review of the segment of operations with bank cards in the U.S., reports RIA Novosti referring to the agency MarketWatch and the company message. In addition, the bank plans to focus on asset management in eighteen key markets, while reducing in the regions retail banking operations. HSBC also plans to reduce the ratio of costs to business efficiency to 48-52% by 2013 against 60.9% in I quarter of 2011. "We are facing important challenges, we need to accelerate the pace of change in the company," - said the bank's chief executive officer Stuart Gulliver. In April, the bank has told about plans to close its retail business in Russia in order to concentrate on serving corporate customers. Group HSBC Holdings PLC was formed in 1990 as a company which controls the activity existed since 1865 the bank HSBC (Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation). Offices of the group are located in 88 countries. Net profit financial services company in the I quarter of 2011 increased by 58% - to 4.15 billion dollars. Source:
Ten of the world's leading investment banks have reduced revenues in I quarter by 5%
Proceeds of ten leading investment banks in the world has decreased in the I quarter of 2011 by 5% to 52 billion dollars, informs Reuters referring to the London researchers from the company's Coalition. Decrease in revenue of ten largest banks was due to lower returns on deposits and fixed income analysts said. On earnings of investment banks largely influenced foreign policy and foreign economic conditions, particularly anxiety in Arab countries, natural disasters, rapid fluctuations in energy prices and the general climate of economic uncertainty, experts say. On the state of uncertainty mentioned in the beginning of May and Barack Obama. He said that the U.S. economy recovers from the crisis only a few years. Obama said that he would personally monitor the dynamics of oil prices, and noticed that the Arabic crisis played a role in the rise in energy prices. On materials
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Ministry of Finance of Slovakia: Greece and Portugal have no place in the eurozone
Economy of Greece and Portugal, within the euro area, "not suitable for single European currency" This statement was made finance minister of Slovakia, Ivan Miklos, Bloomberg reported citing local newspaper Hospodarske Noviny (HN). According to Miklos, both countries' long-term need to exit from the euro zone. " The Minister also noted that the EU's efforts to prevent the debt crisis in the eurozone were not too successful, reports In mid-December, Miklos allowed the possibility of leaving the euro zone for Slovakia, but noted that he had no feeling that the euro zone will fall apart. Thus, the minister said the statement by the deputy of the parliament of Slovakia, the leader of the Party of Freedom and Solidarity by Richard Sulik. In his column in the HN Sulik suggested that the country should abandon the euro if the European Central Bank will save Spain, just as he rescues Greece or Ireland. Debt crisis in Europe, greatly undermined investor confidence in the euro broke out in early 2010, when Greece was the brink of default. For the salvation of Greece, the EU and the IMF organized a special stabilization fund (European Financial Stability Facility, EFSF), which means the end of this year took advantage of the crisis-affected Ireland. Spain and Portugal are also experiencing difficulties in servicing debt.
World oil markets continues to rise in price
Cost of the OPEC oil basket for the first time since 2008 has exceeded U.S. $ 90.7 per barrel price of petroleum "basket" of OPEC for the first time since September 2008 has exceeded by the end of last week, the value of 90.7 dollars per barrel. and thus the eighth time in December 2010, updated its two-year high, RBC reports. As reported today, the secretariat of the international oil cartel, the price of petroleum "basket" of OPEC as of December 24, 2010 was officially 90.73 per barrel. This is its highest since Sept. 29, 2008 Note above $ 90 per barrel. price of petroleum "basket" of OPEC for the first time over the past 26 months, established 22 December 2010 and remains above that mark three trading days in a row. Including 24 Dec. its price has risen relative to the previous day at 57 cents. Petroleum "basket" of OPEC (OPEC Reference Basket of crudes) - a conditional oil mixture consisting of grades of oil, which supply the world market of the country the international oil cartel. Calculation of weighted average indicative price is carried out daily on weekdays, the OPEC Secretariat in Vienna, as for the previous trading day.
2011 could be the year of return to pre-crisis financial institutions lending policies
Already, banks have started offering people loans at 0% APR credit cards are giving away" a gift " and improve the supply of consumer loans. According to the newspaper "Economic news, in absolute terms this year, consumer loans have become one of the fastest growing segments. At the moment, from all types of credit most popular among the customers enjoy credit and auto loans without collateral. Very demand remain cash loans and the purchase of household appliances. Rakes In many segments of the loan (lending networks of home appliances and electronics, for example) the proportion of credit sales have already reached a crisis level. Large banks also spoke on the renewal of a mortgage (compared to 2010) but the number of loans for housing in the month still ten times less than before the crisis. "Today begins a tendency pre-crisis resumption of the principles of consumer credit. The number of bank proposals on consumer credit, increasing the amount of credit reduces the effective rate", - commented on the financial Analyst Prostobank Consulting Natalia Kramar. At the same time, she said, banking institutions rather carefully evaluate the financial condition of the borrower and obtain a loan may be far from each. The risk of non-repayment of the loan for loans in cash and goods offset by higher rates on the loan. Thus, according to provided "i" information from experts, for the period from April 2010 to April 2011 the number of bank loans to secured loans has increased in 5,7 times, on the loan in cash - eight times the credit for the goods - in three times.
NBU allowed the two banks merge
NBU allowed to unite the two banks - First Ukrainian International Bank and Dongorbank Permission was granted on December 22. Chairman of the supervisory boards of banks Ilya Arkhipov said that the union should pass without difficulty and be completed in the second half of 2011. As reported by "Ukrainian News" FUIB Donghorbank and decided to come together in early November. 99,99% shares of PJSC "Donghorbank is owned limited liability company" SCM Finance. Shareholder PJSC FUIB "as is" SCM Finance (89.87%). SCM Finance - a subsidiary of System Capital Management, specializes in the management of financial institutions.
Interbank opened the fall of the euro
Bidding on the euro in the interbank foreign exchange market opened in the range 10,4545-10,4710 grn / euros, according to the company InterBiznesKonsalting, opened trading on the dollar in the range 7,9535-7,9640 grn / dollar, trades hack - 0,2610-0,2614 UAH / USD.
The dollar has fallen a little in exchange
Cash dollar over the weekend the dollar fell slightly today in the cash market of Ukraine the dollar in buying averaged 7.95 UAH / USD, Sales - 7,99 UAH / USD. The euro exchange rate in buying averaged 10.33 USD / EUR, Sales -10.58 USD / EUR. Russian ruble bought an average of 0.25 USD, selling for 0.26 USD. Overview is made on the basis of data on the exchange of available currencies are the 11 largest banks in Ukraine. Source
The largest increase to the salary received a sales director
Revenues of top managers in 2010 rose by 13%. Such data are contained in a study of Ernst & Young Ukraine "According to the company, increased significantly during the year on sales revenue of Directors. If in 2009 the fork of the total annual remuneration, taking into account bonuses at this position ranged from 190.6 thousand UAH to 1.39 mln a year, on the basis of 2010 - from 202.8 thousand UAH to 1.182 million UAH. It is reported Delo. "In today's business realities of the role of sales is very important. It is logical that this can not affect the compensation package of staff, particularly with respect to the variable part of remuneration, "- says Maria Cabrini, an expert group Human Capital« Ernst & Young Ukraine ". Rose during the year and earnings of Directors on staff. If in 2009 the total annual remuneration of male HR-manager ranged from 222 thousand UAH to 613.8 thousand USD a year, in 2010 - from 271.8 to 1.015 mln. For some items, average annual income fell. This applies to Sales Director, Head of Marketing and CEOs. Fork of the total annual remuneration of the latter in particular is from 369.7 to 1.712 mln.
Banks for the last feature
His decree № 143 from 10.05.2011, the NBU has withdrawn the banking license and initiated liquidation proceedings DialogBank (Dnepropetrovsk). In accordance with the requirements of the law had been suspended as interim administrator of the Board (the board), board and general meeting and appointed a liquidator on behalf of the independent expert Svetlana Botkachik. According to representatives of the NBU decision to liquidate the financial institution had been taken in connection with the temporary administrator DialogBank about the impossibility of bringing the bank's activities in the legal and financial compliance with the requirements of the law of Ukraine "On Banks and Banking Activities and legal acts of the NBU in a single year. Violations DialogBank banking law and regulations of the National Bank of Ukraine has caused considerable damage to assets and the occurrence of insolvency, said the National Bank. "For us the important thing to protect the interests of depositors. And if you need to do to close the bank, according to the law, we take an appropriate decision", - says Director of Legal Department, National Bank of Ukraine Viktor Novikov. DialogBank was under the temporary administration of the NBU in 2009 (October 2009-July 2010. And November 2010-May 2011). In 2010, the bank has almost found a new investor, but he failed to comply with sanitation program in its entirety. "Probably, the interim administration was unable to solve the problem of the bank.
Ukraine will have one more year with eight UAH ", - the expert
Strengthening the hryvnia to the dollar since the beginning of the year was 0,6%. That is, 2010 will go down in history as the year of a stable exchange rate of hryvnia This opinion newspaper "Delo" stated Alexey Blinov, Director of Research Astrum Investment Management. The following year, the expert also expects a stable exchange rate: "We maintain our forecast to maintain the National Bank exchange rate at a level close to a mark 8.00 grn / dollar throughout 2011." "According to our estimates of capital inflows in the coming year will be more than cover the rising trade deficit. In general, the 2011 National Bank will be buyer-surplus foreign exchange from the market. We do not expect the transition to a regime of exchange rate policy in 2011 (it is possible that the NBU will start to look closely to the possibility of binding to the basket, but the likelihood of this scenario is also low). So Happy New Year "hryvnia for eight" Ladies and gentlemen, "- added Blinov.
Bank of China raises reserve requirements for banks to 21%
The People's Bank of China from May 18, increases the reserve requirements for banks and deposits in national currency by 0,5 percentage points, according to a statement posted on the site of the Chinese Central Bank. At present, reserve requirements for major Chinese banks constitute 20.5%. This is the fifth increase in reserve requirements for Chinese banks since the beginning of 2011. Last reserve requirements for banks rose in April 2011. This step is taken as part of the Beijing monetary policy to fight inflation. On Wednesday, the government announced that inflation in April was 5.3%. In March consumer price index rose by 5,4% year on year, reaching a record high over the past 32 months mark. During the first four months of this year, the inflation rate amounted to 5,1%. Earlier, Chinese authorities announced their intention to keep inflation in 2011 at around 4%, but according to some economists, to achieve this would be difficult, and price growth for the year will exceed 5%. In 2010, the People's Bank of China to combat inflation, raised the reserve requirement six times. However, inflation in China in 2010 still exceeded the planned figure by the authorities in the 3% to 3.3%. On materials RIA Novosti
The head of the NBU council: International Reserves of Ukraine exceeded $ 39 billion
International Reserves of Ukraine for the first time in the history of the country have exceeded $ 39 billion, said the head of the Council of the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) Poroshenko. "Achieving the level of reserves at $ 39 billion should send a positive signal," - he said at the opening of the seventh Ukrainian Investment Summit Adam Smith Conferences in London on Monday. Poroshenko added that the NBU predicts faster growth in gross domestic product in 2011 to 5,3%. Among other positive news, he called the increase in credits to the economy in the first quarter by 6% and reduced loan rates since early this year with 15,5% to 13% per annum. Asked about the feasibility of further increasing the international reserves of the country, the head of the NBU Council stressed that this issue is in full competence of the board of the central bank. According to him, the Council of the National Bank supports the steps of government to liberalize the foreign exchange market. According to Poroshenko, measures such as allowing foreign currency swaps provide a smooth transition to a more flexible exchange rate policy without shocks to economic actors. Head of the Board stressed that the size of the issue of hryvnia at the increase in foreign exchange reserves is in full compliance with the basic principles of monetary policy in 2011. According to him, the balanced policy of NBU and the government today precludes a monetary contribution to the acceleration of inflation. "The main risks to inflation remain external shocks", - said Poroshenko.
NRA Rurik published an analytical review of the banking system of Ukraine for the first quarter of 2011
Analytical Department of the NRA Rurik reviewed statistical information on the banking system of Ukraine as of 01.04.2011, the analysis yielded the following conclusions. In the I quarter of 2011 nor the banks have been granted NBU license for banking operations, as well, none of the bank has not been revoked license. As a consequence, as of 4/1/2011, the license of the National Bank of Ukraine to perform banking operations had 176 banks. 18 institutions are being liquidated, and 5 banks (Rodovid Bank "Nadra", "Vladimir", "Sotskov Bank and Bank Capital") in the beginning of the II quarter has continued to operate the interim administration. Resolution of the Board of NBU № 143 of 10.05.2011, with 11.05.2011, the revoked license and initiated the liquidation of another bank - OOO DialogBank. From 2011 the regulator has increased the requirements for established banks. Enhanced requirements regarding the financial condition of the founders of the new bank: National Bank will refuse to register with evidence of loss-making activities over the past year at least one co-founder, as well as in the case of excess of liabilities to other creditors over the assets created by banks (excluding funds invested in authorized capital other legal entities). Network of bank branches by the end of I quarter 2011 totaled 678 units, 63 fewer than at the beginning of the year. The main branches of the reduction was due to their transfer to the outlets. According to analysts NRA Rurik, the reorganization of the territorial network will enable credit institutions to save on administrative costs.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Oschadbank. USSR back
Everywhere we hear loud odes about how the Ukrainian banks "in front of the entire planet, and already on the quality of service overtake their counterparts in Europe. But along with that very difficult. Many local banks are still living the spirit of "socialism", and one of the most striking examples, smelling of mildew permeated the Soviet era and rudeness of staff - Oschadbank. Frankly, Oschadbank always try to walk away, especially with the time when all payments have been translated into Internet banking. However, this time had to attend that institution. The fact that it was necessary to immediately pay a fine for violation of traffic rules, as well as Oschadbank was "at hand" - other options remained. Branch Bank routinely met musty smell and its interior decoration once resettled in the glorious pre-perestroika years, and a crowd of elderly people, crowded near the cash register, only strengthened this feeling. The first obstacle turned out to retirees who, while trying to break through to the checkout to take form on payment of the fine, friendly and buzzing gnashed. But they, at least you can understand: to stand in a huge queue for the meager pension, and even in the stuffy atmosphere of a nightmare (which air conditioners, what are you?) - Just a mockery. Therefore, they have managed to politely explain that take the form - 2 seconds of the case. However, the second and far more serious obstacle was a bank teller. To a request for a receipt for payment of the fine, she stared little animal eyes and almost barked: "On the table!".
Rating Agency IBI-Rating has assigned a credit rating of AT TMM-Bank at uaBBB-
Independent rating agency authorized IBI-Rating announced credit rating of AT TMM-Bank at uaBBB-, with a rating outlook - stable. Date of assignment - May 13, 2011. To conduct credit-rating analysis were used material received from AT TMM-Bank, including: the annual financial statements for the period 2008-2010. and I half of 2011, targets activities in 2011-2012. and other required internal information and information from open sources that rating agency considers reliable. Borrower or a debt with a rating uaBBB characterized by sufficient creditworthiness as compared to other Ukrainian borrowers or debt instruments. Urovenkreditosposobnosti зависитотвлияниянеблагоприятных commercial, financial and economic conditions. "-" Sign or "+" - intermediate category rankings on the major categories. The rating outlook is "stable" indicates that the change in the rating during the year is unlikely. Certain credit rating reflects: acceptable to the banking system of values ??of most financial indicators of the main aspects of the Bank's low capitalization of the Bank, the Bank's sensitivity to credit risk (a significant concentration of a client's loan portfolio by major borrowers), a significant concentration of the resource base, adequate value of liquidity to neutralize the current risks, the balance of assets and liabilities on terms to maturity; information openness and transparency. Credit rating may be revised upwards in case of diversifying the resource base pokreditoram, improving loan portfolio quality and capital ratios.
Bilozir proposes to provide public assistance to credit unions
People's deputy of Ukraine Oksana Bilozir introduced into Parliament a draft law № 8497 "On some measures to stabilize the financial activities of credit unions." The bill proposes to provide state support to credit unions that are affected by the global financial crisis and unable to meet obligations to its members, by issuing long-term interest-free loan for the term and to the extent necessary for the financial recovery of the credit union, the resumption of its activities and performance of obligations its members and other creditors. It is estimated the State Commission on regulation of financial services markets implementation rules of the bill requires about 1,5 billion UAH. from the state budget. In addition, the bill provides that where a decision is not appropriate, or the inability of financial recovery of the credit union, the state pays compensation to depositors of the credit union at a rate that corresponds to the size of the debt on his contribution, but no more than the amount established by the Law of Ukraine "On guaranteeing deposits persons. " As noted by Mrs. Bilozir |, a significant part of depositors of credit unions - is the elderly: pensioners, disabled war veterans, who are usually paid in credit unions all the means at their disposal, hoping to get a supplement to retirement, or leave inheritance to their children. According to O. Bilozir, the bill will help protect the property rights of the affected investors, the resumption of public trust in the activities of credit unions, which, in turn, will increase lending to Ukrainian citizens and the economic activity of manufacturing and trading enterprises.
The new head of the European Central Bank has Mario Draghi
Finance ministers of the European Union named the new president of the European central bank: it was Mario Draghi, who previously headed the Bank of Italy. He succeeds Jean-Claude Trichet. The corresponding statement at a meeting in Brussels made the head of the Eurogroup Jean-Claude Juncker. It is expected that Draghi will begin new duties in October - after the formal approval of the Heads of State and Government of the Union. 63-year-old Mario Draghi became regarded as the most likely candidate to head the European Central Bank, after last week, his candidacy is supported German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Experts note that the European Central Bank will lead the representative of a country with one of the most troubled economies of the EU, and it would be very difficult to assert its authority. April 25, it became known that Sarkozy believes that the head of the Central Bank of Italy Mario Draghi to replace Jean-Claude Trichet as head of the European Central Bank. On materials
Happy bank workers in Ukraine!
Every year on May 20 Ukraine celebrated Day of bank employees. It is a professional holiday was established by Presidential Decree № 316/04 of 6 March 2004. State seeks to emphasize the important role of the banking system and significant contribution to bank employees in the development of Ukrainian economy and ensure its financial stability. In March 1991 the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted the Law "On banks and banking activity", after the adoption of this document was created banking system of Ukraine. Subsequently, Presidential Decree № 762/96 Leonid Kuchma on 25 August 1996 on monetary reform in Ukraine, the country introduced a national currency - grivna. In Ukraine's banking system included the National Bank of Ukraine, which is the central bank and holds the single state monetary policy and banks of various types and forms of ownership. Ensuring the stability of national monetary unit is one of the important tasks of the Ukrainian banks. Thus, during the years of independence, Ukraine has built a modern monetary system, to introduce a national currency, ensuring its stability. National Bank of Ukraine has created an electronic system for transactions between banking institutions and business entities, the Treasury, other agencies, organizations and businesses that provide full functionality of banks in the country. Editorial Ukrainian banking portal wishes of bankers of Ukraine! After all, today also, in effect, and the birthday of our online resource.
Bank of Portugal will tell how they will return the ECB's 39 billion euro
Despite the promised Portugal EU and the IMF loan of 78 billion euros, the country's banks until it will be difficult to gain access to the exterior of the capital markets and they will continue to depend on the refinancing by the ECB, analysts said Fitch. Meanwhile, the debt to the ECB the Bank of Portugal reached 39 billion euros, and within a month they must submit plans to eliminate debt. As a condition of granting the loan the EU need to expedite the process of strengthening the banking sector of Portugal, who will have control over the ECB. In particular, the end of June financial institutions must submit specific plans for consolidation and elimination of its over-continuations. Some analysts fear the move could strengthen the economic recession in Portugal, which in turn would negatively affect the banks. Analysts at Fitch warned that in the current year profits of local banks due to lower credit quality and reduce the number of new deals may fall. Last year, its losses in the domestic market, banks are partially offset by foreign businesses. Thus, the second largest institution of the country BPI about half of their income received from Angola, and the fourth largest bank Millennium BCP has helped his business in Poland, Angola and Mozambique. Entirely inappropriate for the Bank of Portugal and that the provision of EU financial aid due to the mandatory increase in the proportion of equity. After only in April, the Central Bank has ordered to raise this figure to 8%, now until the end of this year they will bring it to no less than 9%, and by the end of 2012 - even up to 10%. "In the long run it will eliminate one of the weaknesses in the financial system of Portugal, but right now it means for Portuguese banks only an additional headache," - according to analysts from Standard & Poor's (S & P).
Banks blamed for the state that do not lend to small businesses
Unstable and non-transparent fiscal environment - the main reason for inactivity of the market of bank lending to small and medium-sized businesses. This opinion was expressed by participants in the meeting of the Financial Press Club "Lending to small and medium-sized businesses", held at the initiative of the NGO "League of financial development and with the support of OPEN Knowledge, the Kiev Chamber of Commerce and the weekly" Mirror of the week. Ukraine. As Chairman of the Board of Finance and credit "Vladimir Khlyvnyuk, small and medium business now gives banks a few loan applications. According to the banker, is due to the lack of clear business plans to develop their own business, which in turn was caused by uncertainty in the short term following the adoption of the Tax Code. According to Deputy Director of Corporate Business "Erste Bank" Andrew Tolochko if the company is not sure or can not clearly predict their actions in the coming year, three or five years, respectively, it can not take a firm and clear decisions on investment projects. Therefore, according to chief director of corporate business Pravex Bank Victor smooth, creating a favorable investment climate, comfortable, legal, permitting system, the proper fiscal management is more important to encourage the development of SMEs, their lending than the direct financial support from the state . Mirror on the materials of the Week
Bank of Portugal will have a month to submit plans to eliminate debt ECB
As one of the conditions of the loan the EU need to expedite the process of strengthening the banking sector of Portugal, who will have control over the ECB wrote in a Friday newspaper "RBC daily» referring to the Handelsblatt. In particular, the end of June financial institutions must submit specific plans for consolidation and elimination of its over-continuations. Some analysts fear the move could strengthen the economic recession in Portugal, which, in turn, negatively affect the banks. Analysts at Fitch warned that in the current year profits of local banks due to lower credit quality and reduce the number of new deals may fall. Last year, its losses in the domestic market, banks are partially offset by foreign businesses. Thus, the second largest institution of the country BPI about half of their income received from Angola, and the fourth largest bank Millennium BCP has helped his business in Poland, Angola and Mozambique. Entirely inappropriate for the Bank of Portugal and that the provision of EU financial aid due to the mandatory increase in the proportion of equity capital, said a Russian edition. After only in April, the Central Bank has ordered to raise this figure to 8%, now until the end of this year they will bring it to no less than 9%, and by the end of 2012 - even up to 10%. "In the long run it will eliminate one of the weaknesses in the financial system of Portugal, but right now it means for Portuguese banks only an additional headache" - according to analysts from Standard & Poor's (S & P).
Savings Bank will distribute to all pensioners credit
Until the end of the year Sberbank plans to give all pensioners credit cards. The head of the bank's German Gref said at a working meeting with Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, Prime-Tass. As told Gref, the Pension Fund and the Savings Bank combined database and now the latest issue free cards to retirees. "We teach seniors to use ATMs, terminal devices. And without a fee, paid in cash for free, if people do not want your card, and wants to get cash," - said the head of the Savings Bank. In the Savings Bank believes that the use of credit cards allows retirees to reduce the burden on the department, as well as reduce the waiting time in the issuance of pension - the majority of pensioners receive payments in the Savings Bank. According to German Gref, the end of the year for free credit cards will convert all pensioners in Russia. The service is provided by the Savings Bank. Did not specify whether the card credit limit.
Banks have increased the recruitment of 3 times
The number of vacancies for bank employees in the first quarter of 2011 increased 3 times compared to the first quarter of 2010. About this LIGABusinessInform experts told the independent recruiting organizations in Ukraine. According to analysts, portal, financial market returns to pre-crisis indicators, more banks brings to market new products, renew the lending process, broaden the network of offices and regional offices. Banks are once again evolving and they need competent professionals. "The labor market in the area of" Banking / Investment / Leasing develop a much more intense labor market as a whole ", - says marketing analyst portal Olga Voytsehova. Experts of international human portal also seeing an increase in the number of vacancies in the banking sector. According to them, in the first quarter of 2011 for two vacancies in the Banks / Investments / Leasing claimed three candidates, while in 2009, three hunters claim to offer one of the employer. Source:
National Bank has changed the rules of the IBA
The National Bank of Ukraine has changed the rules of the interbank foreign exchange market The decision stipulated by the NBU № 544, the text of which was published December 28 in the government newspaper Uryadovy Kurier, reports Interfax-Ukraine. Resolution of NBU № 544 registered in the Ministry of Justice on December 24 and shall take effect from the date of publication. According to the decree, the foreign exchange transactions on a "swap" covers transactions involving the simultaneous conclusion of contracts, the terms of which combine the purchase or sale of foreign currencies on a "spot" on the back of selling or buying the same currency on a "forward". The paper notes that both contracts under such an operation should be concluded with the same partner. The decree also provides that the NBU can conduct foreign exchange intervention on buying and selling foreign currency on a "swap" for a period of up to 3 months. Recall, the head of advisory group head of the National Bank of Ukraine, Valery Litvitsky and Prime Minister Mykola Azarov said that in 2011 a significant change of the hryvnia will not. Currency swap - a combination of the two opposing foreign exchange transactions by the same amount with different value dates. Applied to swap the execution date of the transaction is called a near value date and the date of execution of a remote date back to the deal - the end date of the swap (maturity). Most of the currency swap transactions concluded for a period of 1 year.
Introduction of a mechanism of hedging currency risks will boost the loan - bankers
Introduction to the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) of hedging currency risk will increase the hryvnia liquidity of banks, which will boost lending and increasing the investment attractiveness of the country, according to bankers polled by Interfax-Ukraine ". "The main positive effect of the ongoing liberalization will become a powerful flow of funds from foreign markets to our internal - influx in the form of capital investment. This, in turn, provide the country with a stable foreign currency and because of the opportunities of the swap with the National Bank to increase liquidity and provide the hryvnia Reducing interest rates on domestic resource market. Ukrainian banks will significantly cheaper resources that will enable a start to revive lending business purchasing power "- believes the deputy chairman of the bank" Premium "(Kiev) Andrey Ponomarev. According to his estimates, the introduction of hedging currency risks will contribute to improving the investment climate in the country that will create the preconditions for the return to Ukraine of funds from offshore, as well as attracting inward investment. Chairman of the Board of VAB Bank (Kiev) Peter Baron also expects that the introduction of the mechanism of currency swaps will increase the investment attractiveness of Ukraine. "The main positive point that can be achieved, it is quite a high predictability of currency fluctuations for a sufficiently long period. Under the conditions are not yet fully overcome the crisis it is a strong argument in favor of this initiative.
The EBRD will begin to pour billions into Asian and African countries
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, which for 30 years to finance projects in Eastern Europe, former Soviet Union and Yugoslavia, now intends to invest in the development of Middle East and North Africa. This was stated by the head of the EBRD, Thomas Mirow, reported Agence France-Presse. In these regions still planned to invest about 2.5 billion, said the President of the EBRD. According to him, specific decisions must be made in the coming weeks, a final extension of the activities will be formalized before the end of July. The EBRD has decided to expand its geography after a series of revolutions in the Arab countries that have taken place in early 2011. Now the EBRD is considering a request of Egypt and Morocco for the status of the country of the bank. Recall, the EBRD was founded in 1991 to work on post-Soviet space. He currently supports projects in more than two dozen countries, including Ukraine. On materials
Monday, June 27, 2011
The Germans had increased its stake in Bank Forum »
The largest shareholder in Bank Forum »- Commerzbank Auslandsbanken Holding AG (Germany) - Increase in the authorized capital of the bank to 95.91% from 94.52%. According to the bank "Forum" in the disclosure of the State Commission on Securities and Stock Market, the corresponding changes in capital structure are fixed on May 20. According to the report, Commerzbank increased its participation in the authorized capital of the bank as a result of increase in the authorized capital of the financial institution. As reported in May, the State Commission on Securities and Stock Market registered an increase in the share capital of Forum on 34% or 1,5 billion UAH. - Up to 5.94 bln. Bank "Forum" is working on the Ukrainian market since 1994. According to the National Bank of Ukraine on April 1, 2011 by total assets (13.71 billion USD), the bank "Forum" held 16 th place among 176 banks operating in the country. Materials: Interfax-Ukraine
Moody's: The dependence of Greek banks by the ECB to continue in the event of restructuring
Debt Restructuring in Greece will save depending on the country's banks from the European Central Bank (ECB) in the foreseeable future, says Moody's Investors Service, explaining that the negative attitude of the Central Bank eurozone to a solution of Greek problem. Extension of the maturity of debt or voluntary swaps of government bonds (European officials called such measures soft restructuring ") will be considered by investors 'default, and Greece will lose access to international capital markets for the long term, reports Bloomberg citing research analysts Moodys'. "Greek banking sector will require recapitalization to offset bank losses on Greek government bonds, and liquidity support from the European Central Bank - at least until most of Greece is not yet available to the capital markets will be difficult" - the document says. Moody's analysts did not evaluate the probability of default, and tried taking it for granted, to calculate the likely consequences of this step. Representatives of the ECB stressed that a default is not a reasonable way out of this situation. The head of the Bank of France and member of the ECB, Christian Nuaye ruled out the possibility of restructuring the Greek debt, calling it a "nightmare" that could not accept the central bank. ECB Executive Board member Lorenzo Bini Smaghi said Tuesday that Greece "has no other alternatives other than repayment of debt and the continuation of the economic reform program." "We expect that the Greeks will pay on its debt - he said. - The best way to achieve this - to implement the program, which was agreed with the IMF and the European Union and which are likely to need additional support." "Waiver of debt will not solve the problems of Greece, on the contrary, it will only aggravate its current problems," - says Smaghi.
This year, bankers will complete withdrawal of the bulk of the collateral from unscrupulous and insolvent borrowers
In the crisis, banks are faced with massive default on loans and intentional evasion of the Borrower of its obligations. With many of them agree on the world and failed. Though not like bankers, and had to foreclose on the mortgaged property. As a result, financial institutions have amassed huge amount of such assets, much of which still lies dormant on their balance sheets. That and the cars and apartments and commercial property. Presumably, this is the year the bankers to complete removal of the bulk of these objects in the pledge. The fact that most of the litigation between banks and their borrowers, or already completed, or all of this goes. The winners in judicial duels, by and large, a bank, but the reason for their joy is not so much. As noted by the honorary president of the UK Jurimex Danil Getmantsev, any legal impediments to foreclosure on the collateral the banks do not. If desired financial institution may carry out such an operation in six to seven months. Also, there is no legal clues, preventing release of seized assets. However, in practice, to sell mortgaged property was not easy. Their mistakes in the pre-crisis risk management financiers recognize. "The crisis has shown that the approach to lending, in which the bank based primarily on the value of collateral and less taking into account the real possibilities of the borrower regarding repayment of the loan was fundamentally wrong", - says Vadim Berezovikov Acting chairman of the bank "Forum".
Losses of the Ukrainian banks have increased over the first four months of the year to 465 million USD
Loss of the banking system as at 1 May 2011 is 465 million UAH. Told a press conference, said President of the Association of Ukrainian Banks Oleksandr Sugonyako. "We did not expect such a situation, it was planned that it will be a little better," - said Sugonyako. He also noted that loans to the economy rose to 28 billion USD, ie by 5 5%. Investment securities increased by 122%. However, according to him, arrears rose to 86.5 billion USD. In addition, the reserves for active operations increased by 10%, and loans - 7% . Sugonyako also added that the observed increase of the population, among which the funds of economic entities increased by 121%, and individuals' funds - 106%. It should be noted, members of the AUB yavlyayutsya 151 Bank of Ukraine. As reported net loss for January-March 2011 received 32 Ukrainian banks, or 18.2% of the total number of financial institutions operating in the country by early April. Caldirovanny net loss of the banking system in the first quarter amounted to 210.766 million UAH that is 21 times smaller than the corresponding period last year ( 4.423 billion USD), according to the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU). It was reported that in 2010, worked at a loss in 1935 of Ukrainian banks, or 20% of the total: in January-March 2011 the number of operating banks increased by one financial institution, up to 176 . According to the National Bank's overall net loss of unprofitable banks in the country in the first quarter amounted to 2.077 billion USD, including 516.901 million USD (24.89% of total) - the group's largest financial institutions.
Banks increased the cost of cash management services for businesses by 15%
According to the company Prostobank Consulting, the average annual cost of CSC for entrepreneurs - assuming that the number of payments is 600 units per year and the amount of cash withdrawal is 500 thousand hryvnia per year - on May 18, 2011, banks from among the 25 market leaders in services for entrepreneurs are: • connecting to the system "Client-Bank" - 7,42 thousand hryvnia, • no connection to the system "Client-Bank - 10.23 thousand hryvnia. At the same time for businesses CSC will cost more: the number of payments for 1200 pieces per year and the sum withdrawals one million hryvnia per year average annual costs from the banks of one of the 25 market leaders in services for entrepreneurs in the CSC are: • connecting to the system "Client-Bank" - 12,470 hryvnia, • no connection to the system "Client-Bank" - 18,460 hryvnia. Cost of cash management services without connecting to the system "Client-bank" the banks of one of the 25 market leaders in services for entrepreneurs continues to grow faster than using the service. Thus, the average cost of customers small and medium business (and legal persons and private entrepreneurs) under the condition of "Client-Bank" since mid-January were up 6%, while higher prices RKO in 25 leading banks without the "Client-Bank" has reached already 15.4%. The average annual cost of private entrepreneurs in the CSC in the banks of which 25 leaders of the market rose on average by 12,5%, while the costs of legal persons - 8,8%.
NBU: The monetary base in April 2011 rose to 230 billion USD
The monetary base in April 2011 increased by 6 billion 035.1 million UAH to 229 000 000 000 552 200 000 UAH. Reported by the press office of the National Bank. Domestic credit fell to 36 billion 117.6 million UAH. Net foreign assets amounted to 247 000 000 000 536 400 000 UAH. Recall, according to the data to NBU, the monetary base in March 2011 increased by 6 billion 079.4 million UAH to 223 000 000 000 517 100 000 UAH. Domestic credit has increased to 36 billion 137.1 million UAH. Net foreign assets amounted to 233 000 000 000 630 200 000 UAH. Note the monetary base in February 2011 decreased by 4 billion 324.6 million USD, up 217 000 000 000 437 700 000 UAH. Domestic credit fell to 24 billion 799 million UAH. Net foreign assets amounted to 236 000 000 000 070 700 000 UAH. In January 2011, the monetary base decreased by 3 billion 929.7 million USD, up 221 000 000 000 762 100 000 UAH. Domestic credit fell to 37 billion 034.5 million UAH. Net foreign assets amounted to 224 000 000 000 434 200 000 UAH. The volume of monetary base in December 2010 increased by 4,6% (from the beginning of 2010 an increase of 15,8%) - up to 225.7 billion USD. In addition, the volume of required reserves, formed by banks in December amounted to 12.4 billion UAH. The volume of refinancing operations in December 2010 was 409.4 million UAH (in general for 2010 - 5,2 billion UAH). Note the "Principles of Monetary Policy for 2011" adopted by the National Bank says that in Ukraine the amount of monetary base in 2011 will grow by 14-18% compared to the beginning of the year.
NBU sold on the interbank market $ 100 million on May 24
NBU sold on interbank currency market of about $ 100 million on May 24. Told this to the Director General of the Department of Monetary and NBU's credit policy Elena Shcherbakova. "yesterday sold around 100 million (dollars)," - she said. In this case, Shcherbakova did not specify the amount of interventions NBU in the interbank market since the beginning of May. May 24 National Bank came on the interbank market to buy dollars to 7,9800 UAH / USD and selling at 7,9900 UAH / USD. Shcherbakov also stressed that the decision to leave the NBU in the interbank market on May 25 will be taken depending on the situation in the market. As reported May 24, the hryvnia rate on the interbank market dropped to 0 5 kopecks. up to 8,0020 UAH / USD. From the beginning, the hryvnia rate on the interbank market fell by 0.46% to 7,9650 UAH / USD to 8,0020 UAH / USD. Adapted from: Ukrainian News
World Bank will provide Egypt and Tunisia to $ 6 billion
The World Bank will provide Tunisia and Egypt to 6 billion dollars in financial aid to offset the budget deficit this year and next year after a political crisis in the region, which ended the dictatorial regimes, said the head of the World Bank, Robert Zoellick, reports Reuters. On the program of modernization in Egypt World Bank is planning for two years to allocate 4.5 billion dollars. $ 1 billion Egyptian authorities will be able to get this year and as much again in the next, depending on how successful will be carried out reforms in politics and economy. The remaining 2.5 billion dollars will be invested in development projects. The budget Tunisia World Bank will transfer $ 1 billion. According to Zoellick, on investment projects in the country would soon receive more than $ 500 million. In addition, $ 400 million will go to the private sector and 100 million dollars - for investment guarantees. Zoellick also said that the World Bank now works closely with the IMF, which in turn is considering providing individual packages of financial assistance to stabilize the macro economy of the Middle East and North Africa. Currently, the IMF mission is to help Egypt, the head of the World Bank. On the eve of Saudi Arabia and Egypt contributed $ 4 billion to patching holes in the budget, economic development and programs of the Central Bank. And Barack Obama, in turn, pledged to Egypt $ 2 billion to create jobs and rebuild infrastructure destroyed during the riots. In particular, the U.S.
Switzerland: Central Bank of the country may be able to raise rates
In a short time at the Swiss National Bank may be able to raise borrowing costs for the first time in nearly 4 years as the economy challenges the power of the franc. The Management Board will have to weigh two factors - almost zero rates, leading to an increase in property prices and increasing interest rates, which will inevitably lead to an increase in the franc. And although the franc gained nearly 20% against the euro since March 2009 (when the SNB lowered its rate to 0.25%), there are few signs that the current exchange rate of the franc undermines the recovery, with exports growing and leading indicators point to accelerating growth . "Did in fact the economy in near-zero interest rates", - said David Kohl, deputy chief economist at Julius Baer Group in Frankfurt. - "No, I do not need. Now is best time to raise rates, as any increase will affect the economy as a whole during the year." In his view, the restoration is strong enough to cope with increasing rates to 1% -1.5%. according to Jan Amrit Poser, chief economist at Bank Sarasin in Zurich, exports continue to grow despite the fact that the real effective exchange rate of the franc rose 10% last year. Although the rate of franc, the lowest among global central banks after the U.S. and Japan, stimulated economic recovery following the recession of 2009, it has also provoked a demand for real estate - in 2010, prices for single-family housing rose by 4.7%, with the largest growth was recorded in the region of Geneva - 12%.
In Kiev in Hollywood robbed a bank
To Povitroflotskyi Prospekt 58, Kiev unknown cleaned out the safes in the Delta Bank. Criminals do not burst into the facility in masks and threatened with guns, they just ... did mine. - We learned about the accident at 13.10, we were asked a bank employee and said that the damaged floor in the room - told the Gazette ... "Irina Beebe, spokeswoman Solomenskiy police department. - It turned out that the attackers entered the bank through the basement, opened the safe and stole money. The exact amount is established. We have already interviewed and the bank employees and potential witnesses, now processes information. It is not excluded that the criminals knew how the system works the bank's security, and therefore have chosen this method of robbery. The criminal case was filed under Art. 185 of the Criminal Code (theft, the maximum term - 12 years in prison with confiscation of property). Correspondent "Newspapers in Kiev" have visited the crime scene. Bank branch is located on the first floor of the usual nine homes. Adjacent to it - a hairdresser. - Our shift worked on Sunday, we heard some strange noises, but did not attach any importance to this, - told the hairdresser Natalia Kirichenko. - And on Thursday in the house lost the light. I do not know whether you can connect these two facts. - On Saturday, the bank has worked, and today came - all surrounded by police, no one is allowed - says a resident of house number 58 Basil Piven. - As for our basement, and there can be three days of sitting and pounding, and no one would suspect.
NBU allowed banks to buy and sell foreign currency on the interbank market during the day in the foreign exchange position
The National Bank allowed banks to buy and sell foreign currency at the interbank foreign exchange market during the day in the currency position. This is stated in the decree NBU № 111 from April 13, registered at the Ministry of Justice on May 6. Earlier this or that bank could during the day or only sell or only buy foreign currency on the interbank market. Banks can implement their own operations on the interbank market within the limits of open currency positions. Decree № 111 NBU also allowed banks from May 30 to conduct operations under the swaps. Currency swaps are permitted for up to 365 calendar days. According to the decree, foreign exchange swaps are transactions involving the purchase, sale or exchange of foreign currency on the back of its sale, purchase or exchange in the future for fixed terms at the rate, volume, date, value date. As reported, in April, the NBU has declared its intention to allow banks to buy and sell foreign currency on the interbank market during the day in the foreign exchange position, as well as its intention to introduce a currency swap. According to materials of the Ukrainian News
U.S. Federal Reserve wants to conduct tests on the capital adequacy of banks each year
The U.S. Federal Reserve (Fed) wants to conduct tests on the capital adequacy of banks each year, and those who does not conform to deprive dividends. writes about this on Thursday the newspaper "Vedomosti". According to the publication, the draft of new rules must be approved by the Board of Governors Federal Reserve and in the next few weeks, submitted for public discussion. The top managers of banks have already started to discuss this proposal with members of the Fed, which does not want to again prevent overly generous payments to shareholders, because of what the crisis, many banks were undercapitalized. In 2009, the Fed forced to undergo stress tests of the 19 largest U.S. banks, like the newspaper. According to their results, 10 banks have had a capital of almost $ 75 billion. Bank of America (BofA) have to find additional 33.9 billion, Wells Fargo - 13,7 млрд, GMAC - 11,5 млрд, Citigroup - 5,5 млрд, Morgan Stanley - 1 , 8 billion in March, the Fed plans reviewed 19 largest banks for capital adequacy, and many of them are allowed to increase dividends and repurchase its own shares. But some, including BofA, will submit the plan again, because the first version of the controller did not accept. If banks want to increase dividends and repurchase its shares during the period between stress tests, they will give the Fed the new capital plan. Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke urges banks to demonstrate that they have "good risk management systems, and capital adequacy would" deal with potential losses on the scenario stress tests "and" confident "match the recently adopted international standards for capital." We also looked at capital adequacy requirements of the banking system as a whole, to be sure that bank loans will be available to families and businesses, even if the state economy will be worse than expected "- said Bernanke.
European banks prefer to borrow in dollars
Dollar-denominated bonds have become increasingly popular among foreign companies. January was the month of record volume release of the so-called Yankee bonds. Of greatest interest to them are often European banks. To enter the U.S. market have pushed their initiative the European Commission, which adversely affect the holders of bank debt. From the beginning, foreign companies have issued dollar-denominated bonds worth 109.7 billion dollars, figures from Dealogic. This is 16% more than in January of 2010, and a record monthly volume for all time the account of such data. A total of 187 deals against 105 the previous year. Experts attribute the growing interest in "Yankee Bond" greater capacity and market liquidity of dollar assets. "The stakes are very low. If you have the ability to raise funds in U.S. dollars and a large base of investors, then you do it ", - told Bloomberg the executive director of debt capital markets Mizuho Securities USA Timothy Cox. The greatest activity in the U.S. bond markets are often foreign financial companies, led by European banks. They sold the paper to the amount of 39 billion dollars on January 24 bids on the bonds of the banking sector, denominated in dollars fell to 2.03% - the lowest since April 2010, figures from the Bank of Amerca Merrill Lynch. Lower rates for "Yankee Bond in January, took advantage of HSBC, BNP Paribas, Lloyds, UBS, Credit Suisse and Deutsche Bank. Experts attribute the increased activity of European banks in the U.S.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
European banks are obliged to publish data on the debt
The European bank regulator European Banking Authority (EBA) on March 18 issued options and timing of new stress test, which will have to undergo major EU banks. With these tests, the authorities checked the stability of credit institutions in case of a possible crisis. A new series of stress tests will be held in April-May this year, and the results will be published in June of each individual bank, rather than the sector as a whole. In EBA note that the script tests will be significantly more stringent than a similar test program in 2010. In particular, as pointed out by BBC News, lenders will be obliged to fully disclose their investments in sovereign debt by maturity and country. At the same time in a negative scenario will not be considered a default version of the EU governments, or one of the EU countries. Checks will affect a total of 65 per cent of the EU banking system, while in each of the Union of stress tests should be conducted not less than half of the large banks. They have to learn how lenders are stable in the face of declining EU GDP by 0.4 percent in 2011 and zero growth in 2012. As a result of in 2010 stress test, most EU banks were considered resistant to the deteriorating economic situation. Later, however, experts have criticized the test conditions as too lenient. Source:
National Bank launches a new commemorative coin
The National Bank of Ukraine since 12 May 2011 introduces a commemorative coin denomination 5 UAH devoted 50 anniversary of the National Prize of Ukraine Taras Shevchenko coin made of nickel silver, its weight is 16.54 grams, diameter - 35 mm reported to the NBU. Circulation of the new coin will be 35 thousand.
Glad to have forgiven the fuel and energy companies 24 billion debt
The Supreme Rada has written off debts of the enterprises of fuel and energy complex in excess of 24 billion hryvnia to the state budget, as well as the corresponding mutual debts to energy companies. For taking on the whole bill number 8351 253 deputies voted, bill number 8352 - 263 MP at the minimum 226 required, according to "Ukrainian News". Adopting the bill number 8351, the parliament has written off debts for natural gas, heat supply companies, gas supply companies (regional gas companies), companies National Joint Stock Company "Naftogaz Ukraine" and its subsidiaries. Also written off debts of the company "Gas of Ukraine" to Naftogaz within the amounts written off heat supplying enterprises and regional gas and energy companies on debt interest and penalties, assessed on debts for gas consumed by them since 1 January 1997 to January 1, 2011 . Adopting the whole bill number 8352, Parliament amended the tax code and cancel the debts of the energy sector companies to the state budget, including tax debts. In particular, the parliament to abolish the debt of Naftogaz and its subsidiaries as of January 1, 2011, as well as separate regional gas debts to the budget and financial obligations that arise from the application of the cancellation. Cancellation is also subject to fines and penalties for VAT at customs clearance of gas tax debt before the budget power companies, defined as at January 1, 2011, and a number of other debts. According to the explanatory note, the amount of such debts energy companies to the state budget is estimated at more than 24 billion hryvnia.
Ceylon tea in the world can rise in price by 14% - analyst
Prices of black Ceylon tea this year may grow by 14% amid supply disruptions in a number of leading producers of tea, said Director General of the Sri Lanka Tea Board of HJ Hemaratni, Interfax reported with reference to Bloomberg agency words in the current year, prices could rise on average to 4 dollars per kg against 3.5 dollars per kg last year against the backdrop of drought in Kenya, the world's largest exporter of black tea, and consumption growth in India, the second largest producer of tea after China. The production of tea in Sri Lanka's fourth largest producer and third largest exporter, will remain approximately at a record level last year, because "culture is the increased production and favorable to the weather in some regions offset losses from floods that hit several other parts of the production earlier this year. For the first three months of this year in Sri Lanka has been collected about 76.2 million kg against 74 million kg over the same period last year. Total in 2010 on the island were collected 329 million kg of tea.
On the online auction put the right to dine with Warren Buffett
American billionaire Warren Buffett in the 12 th consecutive time put up for auction with an opportunity to try the steak supervise bids requested eBay. The initial rate is 25 thousand dollars Auction will run from 5 to June 10. Organized by the Charitable Fund for Glide, which includes the first wife of a businessman. The money will go to homeless and hungry of San Francisco, according to business portal waiting In Glide receipts seven figures: last year's lunch with Buffett was sold for 2.6 million dollars. In 2009, a Canadian investment company has paid 1.68 million dollars in 2008, the Chinese manager, gave 2.1 million dollars the past two decades, Mr. Buffett is trying to instill his fans love to meat and leads them into the Smith & Wollensky steakhouse in Omaha. Over filet mignon there asking to $ 36.5
The dollar on the interbank market remained at above 8 hryvnia
At the end of trading on the interbank market the dollar went up slightly, the euro fell to 5 cents, according to the company InterBiznesKonsalting, trading in the euro resulted in a range 11,3257-11,3445 UAH / EUR, trading in the dollar - 8.0005 -8.0095 UAH / USD, trading in ruble - 0,2853-0,2857 UAH / USD. Recall, trades on the euro were opened in the range 11,3785-11,3905 USD / EUR trades on the dollar - 7,9980-8,0050 UAH / USD, trading in the ruble 0,2860-0,2865 UAH / USD.
The official rate of exchange on May 13
On May 13, National Bank of Ukraine has established the following official rate of hryvnia against foreign currencies: 100 USD - 797.8500 UAH (May 10 - 797.1700) 100 EUR - 1129.1971 UAH (May 10 - 1144.4970) 10 RUR - 2.8548 USD (May 10 - 2.8853).
The parliament set up an investigation commission on the company Lively
Parliament established a temporary commission of inquiry that will investigate the activities of the company Lively on the Ukrainian market of petroleum oil trading company Lively - a unique phenomenon in the Ukrainian market. The company has managed through the courts to secure for itself the right to import petroleum products without payment of excise duty. According to some reports, the importer has changed its name and after a break is preparing to resume the importation of fuel into the country. As reported informupravlenie BP apparatus, the deputies will examine the circumstances of the company and the implications for the market to calculate the loss of state tax-free imports, to identify those responsible, to send materials to law enforcement. Chairman of the committee elected MP Roman Zvarych (NUNS), Vice-Chairman - Alex Kunchenko (Party of Regions).
Bank of Constantine Zhevago received more than 65 mln. profits
January-March 2011 included in the top 15 largest financial institutions, the Bank Finance and Credit "finished with a net profit of 65 million USD. The operating profit of the financial institutions amounted to 201.7 mln. According to the press office of the bank. Recall the first quarter of 2010 for the Bank was less successful - had resulted in financial institutions recorded a loss of 22.9 mln. Net assets of Bank Finance and Credit "from the beginning of the year rose by more than 800 million UAH. and as at 01.04.2011 amounted to 23.2 bln. In particular, the corporate loan portfolio at that date had reached 15.3 billion USD. The first of April the bank had opened about 147 thousand time-deposit accounts and about 253 thousand of current accounts of individual clients. Since the beginning of the volume of public funds on time deposits at the bank rose by more than 500 million UAH. - Up to 6.30 bln. According to "Delo", "Finance and Credit" by the end of 2010 recorded a net loss of $ 188.6 mln. We remind shareholders of the Bank Finance and Credit "structures are controlled by Ukrainian businessman Konstantin Zhevago - the company F & C Realty (47,06%) and" Askania (48.88%).
Azarov: Ukraine will significantly reduce the volume of purchases of gas from Russia
Mykola Azarov Ukraine in the second half considerably reduce the volume of gas purchases from Russia because of its increased cost, the major purchases are made in the first quarter of this today on Channel 5, said Prime Minister Mykola Azarov, the UNIAN news agency reports. "In the second half, we'll buy the gas is much less than in the first half, as the rise of its price. We have made major purchases in the first quarter and second quarter, almost no longer going to buy gas "-" Azarov said. Previously, Azarov said that next week will continue the Ukrainian-Russian negotiations on the revision of the price formula for gas. The price of imported natural gas delivered to Russia's Gazprom to Naftogaz of Ukraine in the second quarter rose to 295.6 dollars / thousand cubic meters. Prime Minister Mykola Azarov is convinced that a fair price for Russian gas for Ukraine should be about 200 dollars per thousand cubic meters.
"Finance and Credit" restructured 140 million UAH. up to 2010
When requesting a debt restructuring, the borrower of Bank Finance and Credit "can count on the fact that the Bank's experts pick the most appropriate set of" rescue "measures and minimize the result of the temporary insolvency of the client. According to the Deputy Chairman of the Board of Bank Finance and Credit "Igor Kopertehina:" Basically, the restructuring of requesting clients - legal entities and individuals who have the economic crisis, devaluation of the hryvnia from the end of 2008, revenues declined, and they are unable to to fully implement the terms of the loan agreement. We are sympathetic to such borrowers, because a healthy relationship between the Bank and the client - the prerequisite of further successful cooperation. " By the end of 2010 the Bank restructured 68.3 mln. clients' debts and legal persons, and 71.7 mln. credit individual clients. A prerequisite for the restructuring is the existence of the dynamics of the monthly repayments on a loan or pay off some debt at the time of restructuring. The most frequently used options for restructuring in the Bank Finance and Credit "are: the accession of outstanding loan debt to the emergency, the extension of credit for up to 5 years (depending on loan program and updated the market value of collateral), the fixation of overdue income and establishing a timetable for their redemption , translation of the classic schedule of loan repayment on the annuity and delay the repayment of the loan principal.
National Bank sold 12 May, the bank certificates of deposit at 3,950 million hryvnia
The National Bank on Thursday, May 12, sold their bank certificates of deposit totaling $ 3,950 million hryvnia. This was reported by the National Bank. National Bank to regulate liquidity mobilized funds through a tender to deploy NBU certificates of deposit for a period of 4 days at the weighted average interest rate of 0.2% per annum 1 bank of $ 10 million hryvnia, for a period of 7 days on the weighted average interest rate of 2.0% per annum 2 banks amounting to 1,800 million hryvnia, for a period of 14 days at the weighted average interest rate of 2.5% per annum three banks amounting to 1,610 million hryvnia, for a period of 29 days at the weighted average interest rate of 3.0% per annum 1 bank $ 100 million hryvnia and for a period of 57 days at the weighted average interest rate of 4.0% per annum three banks amounting to 430 million hryvnia. As reported, the NBU on 10 May, the banks sold their certificates of deposit totaling $ 1,015 million hryvnia. In accordance with paragraph 2.6 of Chapter 2 of the Regulation of National Bank of Ukraine liquidity of Ukrainian banks, approved by the Board from 30.04.2009 № 259, on interest tenders for placement of certificates of deposit banks offer their own interest rate. In March, the National Bank to regulate liquidity mobilized (attracted) to banks for a total of 14,459 million hryvnia. In January-March, the National Bank drew 40,223 million hryvnia to banks. In 2010, the NBU has attracted 248,097 million hryvnia to banks. NBU shall deposit auctions to withdraw from the market of money to spare.
NBU sold on April 1 banks on certificates of deposit 1,198 million hryvnia
The National Bank on Friday, April 1, banks sold their certificates of deposit totaling $ 1,198 million hryvnia. This was reported by the National Bank. National Bank to regulate liquidity mobilized funds through a tender to deploy NBU certificates of deposit for 3 days at the weighted average interest rate of 0.2% per annum 1 bank in the $ 26 million hryvnia, and for 14 days at the weighted average interest rate of 2.5% per annum 5 banks amounting to 1,172 million hryvnia. As reported, the NBU on 31 March, the banks sold their certificates of deposit totaling $ 58 million hryvnia. In accordance with paragraph 2.6 of Chapter 2 of the Regulation of National Bank of bank liquidity, the Board approved Resolution № 259 of April 30, 2009, in percentage tender on the placement of certificates of deposit banks offer their own interest rate. In February, the National Bank to regulate liquidity mobilized (attracted) to banks for a total of 16,049 million hryvnia. In January-February, the National Bank drew 25,764 million hryvnia to banks. In 2010, the NBU has attracted 248,097 million hryvnia to banks. NBU shall deposit auctions to withdraw from the market of money to spare. Materials: Ukrainian News
Saturday, June 25, 2011
The bank Nadra not recognize the entire debt to the SMI
Problem Bank Nadra considers questionable amount of debt in almost a billion hryvnia to the State Mortgage Institution "To date, remains a controversial issue amount of the debt PAO" Nadra "before the SMI, which is currently under consideration in various courts, - the press office of the bank with reference to the temporary administrator Valentin Zhukovsky. Zhukovskaya stresses that the Bank will carry out all undertaken contractual obligations to the SMI, after final review of the dispute by the courts in effect. Recall, head of the SMI Victor Mirgorodskii March 30 said he hoped to return this year, nearly 1 billion USD, which should be the establishment of the bank "Nadra". Nadra Bank in autumn 2010 was able to restructure its debts to foreign creditors, and in the public sector, it remains to negotiate a restructuring of obligations to the SMI. Then the temporary administrator of the bank Zhukovskaya reported that the bank owed the SMI about 760 mln. SMI in 2010 reduced the net profit of 6.75 times compared with 2009 - up to 2.63 million USD. Its net profit amounted to 196.31 million USD, which is 24.08% lower than the previous year. By the end of 2010, the establishment has reduced the amount of current liabilities by almost three times - up to 60.8 million UAH. In this case, the authorized capital of SMI increased by 1.83 times - up to 2,2 billion UAH. In general, including commitments SMI obligations under the bonds are 98.01%, or 3 billion USD.
National Bank sold 6 May, the bank certificates of deposit by 153 million hryvnia
The National Bank on Friday, May 6, the banks sold their certificates of deposit totaling $ 153 million hryvnia. This was reported by the National Bank. National Bank to regulate liquidity mobilized funds through a tender to deploy NBU certificates of deposit for a period of 4 days at the weighted average interest rate of 0.2% per annum 2 banks amounting to 110 million hryvnia, and for 14 days at the weighted average interest rate of 2.5% per annum 2 banks amounting to 43 million hryvnia. As reported, the NBU on May 5 banks sold their certificates of deposit totaling $ 817 million hryvnia. In accordance with paragraph 2.6 of Chapter 2 of the Regulation of National Bank of Ukraine liquidity of Ukrainian banks, approved by the Board from 30.04.2009 № 259, on interest tenders for placement of certificates of deposit banks offer their own interest rate. In March, the National Bank to regulate liquidity mobilized (attracted) to banks for a total of 14,459 million hryvnia. In January-March, the National Bank drew 40,223 million hryvnia to banks. In 2010, the NBU has attracted 248,097 million hryvnia to banks. NBU shall deposit auctions to withdraw from the market of money to spare.
Ukraine has risen in price gasoline and cheaper milk
In April, the inflation rate is mainly influenced by higher prices of electricity and petrol, fruit and vegetable recall, yesterday the State Service of Statistics released inflation for April - prices rose by 1,3% (YTD - on 3,4%). ICPS analyst Alexander Acorn said that the main contribution to inflation have electricity (15.1%) and petrol (4.9%), but notes that it is a bit of money - kilowatt-hour has risen in price by about for a nickle, a liter of gasoline per month - to 50-55 cents, wrote today. Food grown in price by 1.5% - mainly due to vegetables (+7% - last year there are few, and fresh yet expensive) imported fruit (4%) and sugar, whose reserves have decreased (4% or 35-40 kopecks / kg). But still cheaper milk (-2.4% or 20 kopecks. / l), cheese and cottage cheese ( -1,1% or 50-70 kopecks / kg), butter (-1.6% or 1.5 USD / kg) and sunflower oil (-0.8% or up to 15 kopecks. / l). to "communal", drugs, manufactured goods, including household appliances, the prices have not changed. In May, predicts Acorn, prices will rise by less than 1%.
The state has decided to stock up on powdered milk
State expanded the list of goods to be procured in the intervention fund. For the first time in recent years, the list included powdered milk, said the acting director general of the Agrarian Fund Sergey Khoroshailov. Resolution of Cabinet of Ministers № 66 dated 26.01.2011 in the intervention fund to provide a: hard and soft wheat - 1 million 50 thousand tons, barley - 40 thousand tons of sugar - 247 thousand tons, corn - 30 thousand tons of milk powder - 6 thousand tons of butter - 18 thousand tons of buckwheat - 35 tons According to RBC-Ukraine, according to the instructions of the Government of the volume of purchases of rye increased from 90 tons to 130 thousand According Horoshaylova, the Agrarian Fund will to hold open bidding for the purchase of said products in June this year "and will be removed from the market of excess production, which in this season, most falls in the price, and sell ... it until the new year. "
Vegetables are expensive, because half the crop is lost, - the expert
High retail prices for fruits and vegetables in Ukraine was due, at least five reasons. To remedy this situation, it is necessary to establish a system of processing products according to analysts project "APK-Inform: Vegetables and Fruits", the Ukrainian fruit and vegetables for the year rose 72%, although the official Goskomstat reports a 10% inflation. Experts claim: there is no mistake. "This wide range in numbers due to the fact that the official inflation rate is calculated based on the consumer basket, which is hopelessly outdated, - explained the Komsomolskaya Pravda in Ukraine, Director of Pro Agro Nikolai Vernitsky. - Firstly, the prices are taken only at the most basic commodities - apples, cabbage, carrots, and certainly domestic production. Secondly, their prices are much lower than the market average. In addition, more than once expressed a claim to the very method of collecting data for official statistics. The price of vegetables in Ukraine considers the huge losses of production, high costs of production and storage, higher prices for electricity, gas and water, increase in wages, rising world prices. "According to official statistics, to the end user does not get nearly half produced vegetables, and all these 50% of the losses inherent in the price of the commodity that is sold - explains Vernitsky. - In addition, the very high costs of production of greenhouse vegetables, or to store them in special storage in the winter: they exceed 60% of product value.
Rumors of Greece nearly collapsed euros
German magazine Spiegel reported that the ministers of the eurozone countries hold an emergency meeting to discuss the possibility of returning to Greece to the old currency This message has led to a drop in the euro. In addition, in the press rumors that Greece will need to restructure the debt despite it received an international loan, reports BBC. Later, Luxembourg Prime Minister dismissed as totally stupid assumption that Greece may be waived by the European currency, or agree to restructure its debt. Jean-Claude Juncker, who also heads the Eurogroup, comprising the finance ministers of the eurozone, said that since the Luxembourg meeting on other matters.
Mavrodi offered Lukashenko help to stop inflation in the country
Mavrodi founder of the financial pyramid MMM Sergei Mavrodi appealed to the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko promised to him for two months to stop inflation in the country and falling national currency, "Economy on the eve of the collapse, in essence, and what awaits the people - this does not even want to think "- said Mavrodi, who explained this situation the actions" of professional economists and financiers. " "Well, the results are there. That is no longer any doubt in them, so to speak, "abilities" do not. It is obvious that, if they still did nothing, then nothing will make any further: that is, everything will only get worse - and the only question is exactly when disaster strikes. All sorts of measures such as stabilization loans, which will beg for a Russian bank, we can all pull it, but there is no escape "- summed up the founder of the financial pyramid, transfers "I appeal to you, Alexander G.. There is a way - and very simple. Allow MMM in Belarus, give a blessing - a carte blanche to me, open the items in all branches of Sberbank. I am a month, well over two funds will bind people would stop inflation and stop the fall of the Belarusian ruble, "- he promised. In his address Mavrodi referred to his Russian experience, where, according to him, in 1994, MMM has successfully anchored inflation in Russia. " March 10 The International Monetary Fund announced its readiness to grant Belarus a new financial support.
In the supermarkets want to create shelves with local products
Ministry of Economy and the Antimonopoly Committee tasked to work out a proposal for the establishment of supermarkets and hypermarkets special shelves for local producers, told First Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Economic Development and Trade, Andrei Klyuyev, commenting on the proposal of the Coordination Council for Development of Small and Medium business under the Cabinet of Ministers. Intended to set a minimum amount of retail space under local produce. Also, as the press office Klueva, Kyiv City State Administration requested to meet with the administration of markets and entrepreneurs working in the markets. At the meeting must be found to address the problem of irregular trading.
The official rate of exchange on May 11
On May 11 the National Bank of Ukraine has established the following official rate of hryvnia against foreign currencies: 100 USD - 796.8400 UAH (May 10 - 796.8400) 100 EUR - 1144.1029 UAH (May 10 - 1155.4977) 10 RUR - 2.8597 USD (May 10 - 2.8805).
Sony PlayStation Network will recover by 31 May
Sony has promised to fully restore the online PlayStation Network (PSN) by May 31, whose operation was disrupted as a result of a hacker attack According to, citing Reuters, the recovery of the PSN will begin on Sunday and will include several stages. Sony PlayStation gamers once again promised free game as compensation for damage caused by a long pause in the PSN. Recall that in mid-April it was reported that hackers stole personal data of users of several online services corporations, including online PlayStation Network. Sony, conducted the investigation, complained to the U.S. Congress that the theft of data PlayStation players involved close to a group of hackers Wikileaks Anonymous, but they in turn declared his innocence to this series of incidents.
Until the end of the year of default will not be exact - analyst
Eric Naiman This year, the default state of Ukraine will not be exact, but the problem can occur as early as late next year. This opinion was expressed by a financial analyst Eric Naiman. "This problem can occur as early as late next year. But we hope that by that time still will bring the first fruits of innovation of the Tax Code, and will cut some holes on the VAT on exports, the shadow economy ", - said Nyman at a press conference in the Commander in Chief. According to Nyman, to address its obligations, the problems of the Pension Fund in the worst case will be used by the printing press, so that Ukraine should not be afraid of default and devaluation. Defaulted on government bonds or Eurobonds analyst believes completely unrealistic either in this or next year, because the growth of government debt have slowed dramatically. In opposition, believe that there is every reason to talk about possible default in Ukraine as for 2010 the government increased the foreign debt of Ukraine at 117 bln.
Apple, thanks to the iPhone and iPad, became the most expensive brand
Apple has surpassed the cost of Internet giant Google. The annual survey conducted brand marketing company Millward Brown four consecutive years, a leader in the ranking of most valuable brands were Google, but the success of smart phones iPhone and iPad tablet made the study's authors acknowledge leader Apple. The cost of the brand for the year grew by 84% and now is estimated at 153 billion dollars, which is actually equal to half the capitalization of the company, which now stands at 323 billion dollars. As reported by BBC, 6 of the 10 most valuable brands - a company working in the field of information technology and telecommunications. Third after Google, is IBM, the fifth - a software manufacturer Microsoft. American mobile operator AT & T ranked seventh, a Chinese telecommunications company China Mobile - the ninth, and closes the top ten U.S. electronics manufacturer General Electric. The highest elevation among non-IT-companies achieved net McDonald's, her ranking rose two steps, and now she is - to 4-th place. Peter Welch explained that success McDonald's before the growing popularity of fast food in China. Also in the top ten include Coca-Cola (6 th position) and Marlboro (8 th).
Ukrainian land market froze - the expert
The land market in Ukraine froze. The only place where the land is still being actively sold, there Crimea Such opinion was expressed by President of the Association of Realtors (Realtor), Serhiy Sinister, during an online conference site Sergei Sinister noted that today the market expects the adoption of a law that would allow the free sale of land. In his opinion, a huge number of investors has pulled on the land market, overheating it and not taking into account the existence of many problems, in particular, the lack of inventory and the Law on land sales. "The land market has suffered very little and is now in demand", - said the Sinister, making it difficult even to predict the development of prices on it soon. The only place in Ukraine, where land is still being actively sold, is the Crimea. "Crimean our colleagues to come to Kiev and was told that not only the southern coast of Crimea is in demand. Interest went towards Kerch, Sevastopol and above "- said the realtor. Touching on the theme of suburban housing, the president of the Association stressed that today the most popular houses and cottages area of ??200 square meters. meters and at a price of 200 thousand dollars, located in the 30-kilometer zone around the capital cities and millionaire. "For homes with a price tag of 600 thousand dollars is now offering a 200-250 thousand - this situation ..." - said the expert. According to Sinister, the revival of cottage villages in the segment to be expected after the resuscitation of the real estate market as a whole.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Treasury: U.S. national debt has reached maximum level
U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said that the public debt of the United States has set for him by law limiting the level of 14.3 trillion. U.S. According to Geithner, he had already begun taking steps to avoid default, according to ITAR-TASS. The first such measure was the suspension of government contributions to the two largest pension funds of state employees. The minister said that this and other such technical measures will allow the U.S. to avoid a default is not longer than until August 2. Geithner has once again called on Congress to increase the allowable level of debt. However, the leadership of the Republican opposition in the legislature until the states that agree to it only when the execution of some of its economic demands, including a drastic reduction in budgetary expenditures. Finance Ministry plans to announce the end of the issuance of debt obligations, which along with other measures should allow the U.S. to avoid a default prior to the time when the Government agreed with Congress on the program to reduce the budget deficit. On the eve of Barack Obama warned that failure to raise the limit goszaimstvovany U.S. could lead to a deep recession in the country.
The official rate of exchange on May 17
On May 17 the National Bank has established the following official rate of hryvnia to foreign currencies: 100 USD - 797.8500 100 EUR - 1128.3993 10 RUR - 2.8371
The EU has approved a loan to Portugal
EU finance ministers on May 16 approved an allocation of 78 billion euros Portugal loan to cover the state of fullness According citing Agence France-Presse, the decision was taken unanimously by the Ministers. In exchange for the loan, the Portuguese government will take some measures to reduce the budget deficit. In 2011, the deficit should reach 5.9 percent of GDP in 2012 - 4,5 percent in 2013 - 3 percent. As noted by AFP, a key role in the decision to grant credit Portugal played to create a new coalition government in Finland. The new government did not enter the party Perussuomalaiset («True Finns"), took third place in the elections and opposes the allocation of loans to countries in the eurozone. Portugal became the third country in the eurozone, who asked a loan to cover the debt. Earlier in the spring of 2010 back a loan of 110 billion euros was Greece, and last November 85 billion euros have been allocated to the Government of Ireland.
Novinsky journalists apologized for publishing fake
Vadim Novinsky Edition online edition of Economic really apologized to Ukrainian businessman Vadim Novinsky Editorial previously denied to divulge information about what the name of the owner of Smart-Holding was contained in a letter to the National Council of Foreign Commerce (NFTC) to the Ukrainian Prime Minister Mykola Azarov . May 12 edition of the Economic Truth by e-mail was sent from the National Council of Foreign Commerce (NFTC) in the name of the Ukrainian Prime Minister Mykola Azarov. In the letter, which, as it turned out later, was fabricated, the U.S. side reportedly invited Azarov at a meeting on May 19-20 during the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum to discuss trade issues with the owner of Smart-Holding, "Vadim Novinsky. The document also spoke of an alleged relationship with Vadim Novinsky Juarez cartel's operations. As a result, this information was published on the website "Economic justice" under the headline "Americans are invited Mykola Azarov to talk about Novinsky and cocaine." A few hours after the publication revealed that the NFTC letter is a forgery. Bill Reynsh, vice president of the organization in comments "Economic Pravda reported that his organization did not write such a letter and never invited Mykola Azarov to visit Montana. "We also know nothing of the described in the letter about Vadim Novinsky" - added Reynsh. After the NFTC internal investigation failed to establish that the letter was fabricated by unknown persons using the invitation of New Zealand's Prime Minister to attend the meeting in Montana.